The invitation - C.1

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(not edited)
Word count: 585


Hermione POV:

I was sitting upstairs going over new designs for my new clothing line coming out in a few weeks for my fashion company H.J.G.

I founded H.J.G designs a decade ago after discovering my love and talent for design. As I just used my initials of my now maiden name, as the company name to always remember who I used to be. I am now a world knows designer, in both the muggle and wizard world.

"Mum, there's a letter for you and dad at the kitchen counter" Cissy shouts "I'll be right there" I answer back.

As I walk downstairs I see my husband leaning over the counter reading his letter, anticipation and concern clear on his face. "Dray" I say slowly.

"You may want to sit down for this" I do as he says and he hands me a letter with my maiden name on it and a Hogwarts stamp.

Oh no.

Dear Miss. Hermione Granger

You are invited to Hogwarts 20 year old reunion as a honor guest for your academic achievements and your heroically role in the war and as a role model to younger wizards.

Headmaster Neville Longbottom

P.s Please Mione come back, we all miss you.

I sat there with only one thought. How come they didn't know I was married. Stupid I know but it helps to focus on the little details instead of going into shock.

Draco looks at me with questioning face. "I take it, it is time to tell the children about our past" he says already knowing my answer.


Third person POV:

After being called down their children all comes down into the kitchen, Cissy comes first with little Nicholas in her arms and the younget set of twins behind them as Scorpius asks "When's Caleb coming to visit".

Caleb is their older brother and a professional quidditch player, a seeker to be specific, he is currently on loan to the British National team from the Australian National Team so he haven't been home in a few months. "In a few months" Hermione answers.

"Me and your mother, have decided to tell you something important, so please sit down and listen closely. We're going to tell you about our pasts"

<Timeskip after the explanation, bc I can>

The children's reactions was as understanding you could get, as well as a huge amount of new found respect for their parents. Their response was all from "Wow" and cool to "Mums a superhero"

So Draco continued, "We have decided we're going to the 20 year reunion at Hogwarts".

After telling their children and they all left to do their own ting, Hermione and Draco were left standing in the kitchen.

Draco came from behind and wrapped his armed around her waist and lightly kissing her neck before feeling the tenseness in her shoulders slowly release as he continued to care for her and she melted into his touch.

"My brave lioness" he said as she chuckled lightly. "After everything they have done to you, you still want to go back" "Hogwarts will always be my home and I do miss some of them" she says as she turns around and wraps her arms around his neck.

All he did was stare at her such a loving expression on his face, that if anyone from school had seen him they would have thought he was under the imperio curse.

"I love you" He said

"I love you too"

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