Getting Ready - C.2

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Word count: 468


Third person POV:

Getting ready in the Malfoy household could only be described in one word. chaos. You could practically hear shouting from a mile away for either not getting dressed or someone don't want to go at all.

Yet surprisingly they somehow always manage to get ready on time. After all "a Malfoy is never late". Unsurprisingly the one who was the hardest to dress up was Nicolas as he couldn't stop moving and laughing at his fathers attempt to dress him.

It was amusing to say the least to watch, Former death eater Draco Malfoy struggling to put on a toddlers clothes as said toddler is full on laughing at his dad, along with the rest of the family who stood there watching because according to Hermione "You got this Dray don't make a fool of yourself, your a Malfoy after all".

After everyone was dressed it was time to leave.  And everyone had different expectations.

(A/N outfits in next chapter)

Milo was so excited to finally se Hogwarts, as he had gotten his mother's personality and looks but his fathers unique eyes. His twin sister was a mini Hermione with Draco's attitude, confidence and the trademark smirk that runs in the family. Unfortunately she also has Hermione's stubbornness, and strong will.

(A/N messy bit next)

Their older siblings Scorpius and Narcissa were a little less excited, as they both went to the school but they were still fairly new as they had transfer from Durstrang and Beauxbatons to attend their last year at Hogwarts after their parents request.

Scorpius is a splitting image of his father, both in the looks and personality wise although he's got his mothers kindness and quick remarks. Narcissa looks like girl version of her father she has her mother protectiveness, kindness, sharp tongue and last but not least her great sense clothing.

Now their oldest son Caleb (A/N will come in later in the story) Has his mother's looks, both his parents quick thinking skills and love for learning and he's got his undying love for quidditch from his father.

Nicholas has his fathers looks but with a more baby look. He also got his playfulness from his father.

(A/N that part is random but also kinda vital^)

The whole family got ready to apparate as they were going to be dropping their children in the daycare/ play room that was set up for this occasion along with the Zabini's and the Nott Family who were already there.

But Scorp and Narcissa apparated separately from their parents along with their younger siblings and with Nicholas to drop him off in the daycare and to catch up with some friends. While Hermione and Draco decided to go oldschool and take the carriages.


Very sorry for a messy chapter 😐

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