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Ya so there's this thing that when a kid finished reading the Quran with proper pronunciations and stuff and doing it for the first time, they have an Aameen, which is basically the whole family, distant and close, gathering up together and sitting there listening to you recite a few verses from the Quran. I haven't had mine yet, because majority of the family is spread around the world, but in summers they all come to my city, and so my two cousins and I will have our Aameen together.

On Saturday my parents and grandma decided to take me and go to the silver shop to get pendants for my cousins because at the Aameen the kid gets money or a a bend ant or something with Allah's name written on it, or a Qul. So we went. They had to buy me something as well, and my birth stone is an opal, right? We saw this g o r g e o u s pendant there. It was an opal with a tiny butterfly on top, and I've always wanted something that had an opal because RAINBOW. So my mom was like, "!!!!!!!!! Present!!!!!!!!!"

I'm obsessed I love it so much, I haven't taken it off since Saturday, it is so pretty

Don't know y I'm tellin y'all this, but I'm just super excited about it


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