
24 10 16

yknow i've always wanted to be that girl who struts around and gives all of her friends kisses on their cheeks but i'm actually the girl who gives either side hugs or normal hugs and sometimes awkwardly kisses her friends on the top of their heads and that says a lot.

i want to kiss the cheeks of my friends but i'm afraid that my frens will be like wtf is wrong witchu and also i have no courage to act like valerie bianchi so-

i have a lot of courage in general but for some reason i cannot bring myself to do this and i find it??? so???? odd????

i don't even know why i'm telling you guys this it's 5:17 am and i should be asleep but like,,,, i can't,,,, and last night's nightmare still has me shooketh so,,,,, idk,,,

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