Seize The Moment

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*EDITED CHAPTER 2021* (Edited the mum a bit, oddly I do have a prequel over on Tumblr about Grace and Tony getting together, cause halfway through this series I decided to make Grace's old job be FBI... hence why she does self-defence classes now. Also explains how she met Stark, if you want to read that go over to my Tumblr account Fatbottombucky, but I can upload it here if people are interested enough??)

You slipped through the crowded Tea Room, eyes darting across the fancy and expensive place. The Tea Room is hosted on the top floor of a skylight building, with a glass roof making the room light up with energy. The quiet chatter of people mixed with the stirring of spoons, the sips of tea and the smell of freshly baked cakes.

Your eyes finally land on her, the woman you hadn't seen for a few months. The bubbling of excitement and happiness overtaking you, you bound over to the table with a grin. She had already ordered because an assortment of cakes was on a stand, along with a teapot neatly set in the middle of the table.

"Hey," you surely breathed out as you stepped up to the table, she whips her blonde head up and smiles at you, standing up and walking around the table to pull you into a hug. "Hey, mum," you mutter into her neck bending down slightly to make it easier to wrap her arms around your neck.

"I don't remember you being this tall, what is Tony feeding you?" She chuckles and sits back down, you accompany her, still smiling as she pours you some tea. "So, tell me everything about your new school."

You frown slightly, your heart falling into the pit of your stomach almost. You didn't want it to be the main topic of discussion, but you wanted for her to at least acknowledge what happened to you. To maybe apologise for not calling (or picking up the phone), to just say something on the matter, even if she doesn't agree with it... maybe, at least tell you that.

Your coming out was a hot topic over social media, you knew that she knows what happened. Tony even told her, yet she's going to gloss over it. Admittedly you didn't know how you'd react when you'd see her today, excited was definitely an emotion you'd feel, but also anger. Anger over the fact she hadn't made effort to call or catch up before today.

Your mum sighs lightly, "I didn't know if I should bring it up or..." she coughs slightly, "Just I felt like you hated me for sending you away, I felt like a failure as a mother for not being able to... parent you," she looks away for a pause but then back to you.

"Did you know?" You asked with a muffled voice, "that I'm gay?"

She shakes her head, "No. Well, I call it mother's intuition or whatever because I know you better than I know myself," she chuckled lightly, brushing her hair behind her ear. "I felt like you weren't being... you, your true self. Especially around Oliver, almost like you were holding your breath around him. When he said something homophobic or anything LGBT related was brought up you'd tense up more." You watch as she shakes her head, "I should've asked. I should've dropped Oliver months ago when I saw the signs, but I ignored them. I'm sorry."

You smile despite the anger you felt, you shrugged it off. "It's fine, I love you. I held my own," a chuckle escaped from your lips.

"You've always been good at looking after yourself," she notes with a sigh. "You didn't have the best childhood, partly my fault. I didn't know how to be a mother, I loved my job and didn't want to give that up or you..."

You shrug, "You were doing the best you can, I know that. You're here now, that's what matters." She nods once with a smile, "it's okay. The school, I mean. A little... nerdy, everyone there are geniuses and way beyond their year," your mum chuckles, "I made some friends, a girl called Mj, you'd like her. She takes no shit from anyone, it's a little scary sometimes."

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