
3 0 0

Today is going bad already ha.

My hair is annoying me because it wouldn't cooperate as I want it to be, and now I'm back home with an annoyed mother who has to go to work and scared if my dad is going to try to get half a day off OR my school is going to tell my mother to get me in but she wouldn't because she said to me earlier that she doesn't want to ((and she had to do that a lot of times in primary which went horribly and sometimes succeeded))

Worse thing is that I ((think I)) have a maths test today so as I'm not in today to do it I'll probably have to do it next time I have maths which is either tomorrow or Thursday ((and I already have two tests that day I think?))

Let's just hope that this final week of term 3 will go good! If Thursday doesn't go well, Friday will be here to save me!

Listening to: BABE - HyunA
((I don't know why I like this song yet I find the word 'Babe, Baby, etc' cringing like 😬))

-Short Random Things #1-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin