*screech* (part 2)

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okay wait i just made my exam timetable as my lock screen and apparently we have lunch at 1:15 pm to 1:45pm on monday (and preferably the whole week excluding friday) when usually we have lunch at 1:30pm to 2:00pm AND our second exam for monday to thursday supposedly starts At period 5 and either end after tutor or halfway through tutor

BUT if we finish having our lunch at 1:45pm and period 5 starts at 2:00pm what are we going to do for 15 minutes? go to our period 5 lesson for that time and then go to our exam? chillax in hub which is going to be too crowded? (and i can't deal with loud and/or crowded places) or go to where we take our exams and start the exam minutes early or just sit in silence until the exact time comes?

i need a reaction meme or something for this confusion!

i need a reaction meme or something for this confusion!

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