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did i just make another account to publish an old book that i don't want onthis account? yes, yes i did.

BUT I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO USE THAT ACCOUNT FOR RANDOM SHIT STORIES THAT I'VE ALREADY POSTED ON A03 ((maybe follow me there: https://archiveofourown.org/users/alliedawarriorcat or just type in my username 'alliedawarriorcat'))

but yeah, i'm going to publish The Sparks Between Us again uwu I've alreday got plans for it as I am going to;

1- maybe rewrite some paragraphs here and there.

2- make a better plot because after chapter sixteen 'He'll Be Okay', the plot kind of got stupid ((but let's just agree that it was stupid to begin with))

3- add additional alternate chapters for Chapter Sixteen and up as previous...


Hiro died but then I felt bad and unpublish, rewrote and then published the new chapter again ha

4- try not to add too plot twists/time skips as I think they kind of 'ruined' the whole journey

and 5- I'll try not to give up with the story or become distracted with othere stories I have

((and)) so that I do not get distracted I am going to unpublish some of my stories that I feel will distract me enterity, that includes 'Five Dust' and 'breathin'.

I have already deleted all stupid drafts I had in plan and Five Dust because they were kind of stupid in my opinion. I will unpublish 'breathin' because of two main reason;

1- it's kind of messed up and needs to be tidyed (edited)

and 2- I caught really seem to get inspiration to finish the next chapter.

so from when I publish the first chapter of TSBU, that book will be my main objective. It originally ended with 30 chapters, everyone kind of getting a happy ending but the end of the epilogue mentioned a kind of cliffhanger for a sequel I was planning on doing where (I was going to be a spolier warning here who cares because the sequel is probably going to merge with the first book or something), Taka was going to get into a tradgic accident (stream ACCIDENT by MY FIRST STORY while you're here) which gives him anmesia and then everyone will have to try their best to get his memories back but it would be tricky as more trouble comes into their lives all because of Yuki's first (and kindof still in that timeline) boyfriedn Kosuke. Maybe I'll stick with that plan but for now, it will remain a mystery and stay in the back of my mind where other plot twists nd stories lie.

So, be prepared for the new story uwu see ya~

Listening to: Love Is Easy - McFly ((a band I have not heard in a while uwu))

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