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imagine if my inner demons had a different plot: high school.

that will be chaotic because the daemos would be like to ava's parents "we live here now lol" or something haha

also imagine the boys in different cliques like:

i feel like pierce would definitely be part of the jocks and take part in any sport activity because we stan a strong boy in this household 💪

rhys would be one those smart ass kids that everyone wants to copy their homework and possibly take part in book club (i don't know, just see my smart boy as a book nerd and now thinking about i would definitely love to read hours beyond hours with him) 📚

asch and leif would be the troublemakers in the school obviously (in my eyes anyway // not like the shadow knights in PDH but like the shadow knights in PDH 🤷‍♀️) they might not be in a club/activity but i will love these idiots if i went to school with them no matter what ha (tHeRe iS nO eMoJi tO rEpReSeNt wHaT i'M eXpLaInInG??? wHaT??)

now noi would be that student every teachers prefers. he's too soft for this world save him aaa. i don't know what club/activity for noi to fully participate in BUT if any of the daemos loved anime, i would pick noi for it. so noi would be that teacher's pet who is in the anime club (a perfect cliche for a soft lil boy) 🎎

and poor ava would have to deal with all the boys with her :(
i wanna give her hug because she was annoyed at them at first in the series but then halfway through she got used to them AND NOW SHE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING CAUSE SHE (ded) UNCONSCIOUS OR SOME SHIT!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

i really need a season two :(((

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