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i love writing a comment too fast while in a hyper mood and you miss out a word or two but luckily the person will understand what you meant 😂

an example would be this beautiful conversation;

stan the queens (me and this beautiful yet strange friend WolfPrincessOffal03 uwu)

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stan the queens (me and this beautiful yet strange friend WolfPrincessOffal03 uwu)

watching: Taking on ANXIETY with Lilly Singh!! | Sanders Sides
((i love this episode ha,,, totally not because it's the first episode that Anxiety/Anx/Virgil/Virge/emo nightmare/JDelightful/*insert other nickname here* shows up ahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahahahaha
i love all of the sides equally btw so if anyone asks me "hey, who's your favourite Side from Sanders Side? PICK JUST ONE OKAY!" i will straight away shout "HECK NO! I LOVE LOGAN/LOGIC, PATTON/MORALITY, ROMAN/CREATIVITY, AND VIRGIL/ANXIETY EQUALLY!!! might as well add Remy/Sleep and Deceit for the sake of things ha"
i've spoken too much for this small note oof))

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