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(Y/n's POV)
The pain in my foot nearly made me scream, but I covered my mouth.
Marcus looks over to me, his eyes widen.
He tries to pull me out, I wince in pain.
I turn to him.
"You need to go" I sign, he shakes his head.
"No! I'll get you out" He signs, trying to pull me out.

I look at him lovingly, this may be the last time I see him.

"Stop that" he signs.
"Stop What?" I sign back.
"Looking at me like it's the last time you'll see me!" He signs, making me sigh.
"Please go" I sign, trying to push him away.
"No! I'm not leaving you" He signs, grabbing my hand.

Ugh. Then there's only one way to do this.

I sigh annoyed that he won't save himself.
I look at my foot,
This is gonna hurt.
I quickly yank it, twisting it at the same time.
I hear the bone crack, making me grab onto Marcus's arm for support.
Marcus gasps, quickly picking me up bridal style.
He runs, carrying me away from the fireworks that go off just seconds after we move.
He carries me to the old truck, placing me underneath it for shelter.
"Why did you do that?" Marcus signs, looking at my now broken ankle.
"Because, you weren't going to save yourself. I had to save you" I sign back, making Marcus shake his head smiling.
The loud bangs of the fireworks still going off every second.

I look into his eyes, smiling gently at him.
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, smiling like a dork.
His eyes soften and he leans in, gently placing his lips against mine.

I forget about our surroundings, my broken ankle, everything bad going on,
And focus on him.
The boy I love more than anything.
I place my hand on his cheek, melting into the kiss.
He pulls away, leaning our foreheads together.
The fireworks where still making loads of noise, so it was safe to talk quietly.
Marcus leans towards my ear
"This his probably a stupid question...but will you be mine?" He whispers, sending goosebumps down my back.
I nod, tears spring to my eyes.
I don't know if the tears where pain or happiness, but ether way I love him.
He smiles at me,
I smile back pulling him into a hug.
"I've been waiting for you to ask that since I was 6 years old" I whisper, still in his arms.
He tightens his grip on me, caressing the back of my head.
"But I do have a broken ankle" I whisper, looking down.
Marcus looks at my ankle.
It was already swollen and bruised.
He stands up, picking me up bridal style.
He walks us towards the corn silo where we where meant to meet Lee.
I see Levi and Regan, and point over to them.
They see us and rush over to us.
"What happened?" Levi signs, his eyes widen.
"My ankle broke" I sign, smiling.
"Why are you smiling?" Levi signs,
Looking shocked.
"I don't know" I sign, trying to act serious.
When I injure myself I often laugh about pain.
I'm stupid.
"We need to get to the silo" Regan signs.
We nod.
We walk up the steps to the silo, Marcus still carrying me.
We reach the top and Marcus places me on the floor.
The floor creaks, making me flinch.
"Is this strong enough for all of us?" I sign, looking at the thin layer of metal underneath us.
Marcus shrugs, making me glare at him.
Levi walks over to me.
"Are you okay?" Levi signs.
I nod, pulling him into a hug.
He smiles at me before walking over to Regan, who was looking over the ledge.
Marcus sits next to me, wrapping his arm around me.
The floor creaks again, making me look down.
"It's gonna break" I sign.
"It's fine-" Marcus signs, but as he signs it we fall through the floor.
We hit the corn, making a lot of noise.
I start sinking.
I move to Marcus, who was also sinking.
The metal roof falls down, hitting the corn where I would've been.
Marcus gets on top of the metal, trying to pull me up.
I take a deep breath in as my head goes under.
I feel someone pull me up, I look up and see Levi.
I take a deep breath in, after nearly drowning in corn.
Regan jumps in, as we all scramble to sit on the metal.
I look up and see one of the creatures.
We all freeze, trying to stay quiet.
The creature leaps into the silo, Levi flips the metal up, using it as a shield for us all.
The creature slams its claws into the metal.
I close my eyes as Marcus pulls me closer.
Regan grips her ear, the creature suddenly stops, letting out an ear piercing screech before running away, breaking through the silo.

That was close.

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