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Levi's POV

Lee tells me and Regan to go and help Evelyn.
We do as we're told and run to the house.
Regan steps in, running down to the hidden room we made.
I look out the door, feeling somethings wrong.
I see one of the creatures running towards where y/n and everyone else is.
I quickly sprint towards them, hoping to reach them before that thing does.

I pick up my pace as they start to come into my vision.
I tell them to get to the truck, carrying y/n there myself.
I tell her to stay, making her look uneasy.
The fear in her eyes broke my heart.
I love her more than anyone else.
She's my sister, my safe place, my best friend, my everything and the only thing I have left.
Lee picks up an axe, I do the same thing.
I look around for the creatures, starting to think they maybe went away.
I look to the truck and y/n looked terrified, focused on something behind me.
But before I could react I get hit in the chest, sending me forcefully to the ground.
I hear y/n scream my name, making me flinch.
The creature runs to the truck, jumping on top of it.
I slowly pick myself up, trying to stand.
Lee helps me.
I look to the truck and see the creature trying to get to y/n and Marcus.
And I know what I have to do.
"I'm going to make a distraction. Go to the truck, don't wait for me" I sign to lee, tears spring to my eyes.
"No I can leave you" lee signs back.
I push him away from me and towards the truck.
"Do it for them" I sign, looking at y/n who was intensely trying to figure out what we where signing.
Lee nods, pulling me into possibly the last hug we'll ever have.
"Tell Marcus to take good care of y/n" I sign, pulling away from the hug.
Lee nods, a few tears falling off his face.
He quietly makes his way to the truck.
I silently cry, looking at y/n.
"I love you" I sign to her.
Her face instantly changes.
She starts crying, she looks broken.
"I have always loved you" I sign, smiling at her, ignoring the tears falling off my face.
She looks at me with pleading eyes, but I have to do it.
I look at Lee who was ready to run to the truck.
I drop the axe, making the creature turn it's head to me.
I take a deep breath in, looking at my sister one last time before yelling as loud as I can.
The creature runs at me, and the last thing I ever saw was my broken sister, being held by the boy I know loves her more than anything.
I feel a sharp pain through my chest, then coldness.

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