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«1 year later.»

(Y/n's POV)

A lot has changed in the last year or so, starting with Marcus and I.
We're now 17, and went along with the original plan to have children at a rather young age to help repopulate.
So yeah, I'm pregnant.
I'm over due to have the baby, only by a day, but I really want this thing out of me.
I think I'm going to have the baby soon, as my stomach keeps cramping and making me very uncomfortable.
Evelyn is aware of this, and thinks I'll have the baby in the next 48 hours.
Marcus has to leave with Lee to collect survival items, so it'll be Regan and Evelyn who help if I go into labour.
Mostly Evelyn as Regan would be looking after Dylan.

"I'll be back as soon as I can" Marcus says, kissing my cheek.
"I'll be fine" I say, just as another cramp kicks in and I grab my belly.
"Just breathe, okay?" He says, I nod.
"That's easy for you to say" I say, still clenched onto my belly.
"This is all your fault Marcus, you did this to me" I say, with all seriousness.
He smiles.
"I'm sorry! But I promise it'll be worth it" He says, I smile.
I lay back on the bed Im sitting on, feeling too tired to even sit anymore.
"I'll be back soon, I love you" Marcus says, I smile and nod.
I understand he has to go, and it'd probably be safer for Marcus if he's not near me during the birth, as I'm likely to take the pain out on him as he's the one who got me pregnant.
He kisses my cheek, looking into my eyes for a second before pressing his lips to mine.
After a few seconds he pulls away, smiling before he walks out.
Evelyn walks in, handing me a cloth to wipe my face with.
I'm sweating a lot, probably from the pain.
"How much will this hurt?" I ask, Evelyn chuckles.
"A lot. But when you look back, everything will be worth it" She says, smiling.
I wince, grabbing my stomach as another cramp hits.
This one was a lot worse, causing me to grab the bed sheets.
Oh crap, my water broke.
"That can't be good" I say, trying to calm myself.
"Get ready for the joys of having a child"

«Insane» Noah jupe/Marcus Abbott x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora