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(Y/d/n- your daughters name)
(Marcus's POV)
"It's a girl" she says, I can see tears form in her eyes, making them twinkle even more in the light.
I smile, feeling myself getting emotional.
The two people I love the most in the world.
I look down at y/n, seeing her eyes locked on our baby.
"She's beautiful..." I say in awe,
y/n smiles brightly, letting out a sigh of relief.
"What do you want to name her?" I ask, both of us still gazing down upon our daughter.
"I don't know, something as beautiful as her" y/n says, looking up at me.
I smile, thinking of a name.
"How about...y/d/n?" I ask, y/n's eyes instantly light up, and she nods.
"It's perfect" she says, smiling.
"Just As perfect as my beautiful family." I say.
"I love you Marcus. This is only the beginning of our story." She says, I smile, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"I love you too, more than words could explain."
And in that moment, I knew everything would be perfect, and I wasn't insane.

A/n: hey guys, I think I might end the book here.
I don't get many people who vote and comment, and I know it seems selfish, I just don't really think y'all like it very much.
I've enjoyed writing for you guys, but it must come to an end.
Thank you for the readers who left lovely comments, it really did make my day.
I love you all, thank you.

The end.

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