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(Marcus's POV)
It's been about 6 months since we killed the Creatures and lost Levi.
Y/n hasn't taken it so well, claiming she could've saved him.
I miss him too. So much, but I know he was trying to protect us.
I'll never forget everything he taught me.
Especially his life lessons, advice and the time when I was about 8, when he told me he thought y/n and I would get married, I hope he's right.
I'll always remember him.
Y/n and I are officially dating now,
We told Regan, dad and mom.
We haven't been in contact with anyone, which leaves us to think we're the last five people in the world.
It's terrifying.

There aren't a lot of animals either, only the odd bunny or deer that runs Past.
Regan is doing well, she misses levi a lot. But she's doing okay.

Mom and dad are busy with the baby.
They're very upset about Levi, and won't talk about it, but they'll still do anything for us.

The baby was named dylan, It's jacks middle name.
Y/n chose the name and mom fell in love with it.
She instantly decided thats what she was going to name the baby.

But yeah, everything is fine.
Apart from loosing Jack, beau and Levi.
Im just worried about y/n.
She hasn't eaten a lot, and she looks ill.
She refuses to go out, and she won't talk.
Mom thinks she's fallen into depression.
I think she might be right, but I just hope not. She deserves to be happy now The bad stuffs over.
I guess the good part is we can make noise again.

(Y/n's POV)
I wake up in my bed, next to Marcus.
Evelyn said she had something important to talk about with us today, so I'm nervous for the news.

I haven't gotten over Levi's or jacks death.
All I can Remember is when levi fell to the ground.
I didn't do anything to help.
I think about it all the time.

I haven't eaten in awhile, I don't know why.
When I was 11 my mom didn't let me eat for ages when she started getting short on money.
This landed me in the hospital when I passed out in school one day from lack of food.
Thanks mom.
Since then I haven't really eaten like normal, but it's gotten worse these past few months.

Marcus and I are officially a couple.

We don't know if there's anyone else. And if there is, they aren't near.
But at least I have my birthday tomorrow, that's something to look forward to, right?

I look over at Marcus, admiring how his curly hair is all over the place.
I smile, feeling happy.
I don't get that feeling a lot anymore.
Only when I'm around Marcus and the others.

I watch as Marcus starts moving, slowly opening his eyes.
He smiles
"Morning" He whispers.
I smile, moving his brownish curls out of his face.
He kisses me on the nose, making me smile.
"We need to meet mom, Regan and baby Dylan in moms room. Dads gone to get supplies" Marcus says, I nod.
We call Dylan 'baby Dylan'
I don't know why, it's just a catchy name.
I still haven't talked since we killed the creatures.
I guess I'm still scared.

Marcus gets out of bed, I do the same.
I still have limp from my ankle, but I can walk on my own now.
I open the bedroom door, stepping out.
Marcus follows me as we walk to the underground room.
The underground room is where Evelyn, Lee and baby Dylan sleep, as it's warmer down there.
I step into the underground room, Marcus closes the door behind him.
I walk down the small hallway then into the small room.
I see Evelyn, Regan and baby Dylan sitting on the bed.
"Good morning" Evelyn says, with a kinda sad look on her face.
I smile, sitting next to them.
"Hey" Marcus replies, sitting next to me.
"I have some news" Evelyn says, sitting up straight.
"What is it?" I sign, still not wanting to talk.
Evelyn sighs.
"Please talk. It's safe" she says, taking my hand.
I look down, then at Marcus.
He smiles, gently nodding.
I sigh.
"Okay" I whisper, Marcus and
Evelyn smile.
Evelyn takes a deep breath.
"So as you both know...were presumably the last people" she starts, looking at Marcus and I.
"Us, here in this room, and dad of course, are the last of humankind" she adds on, looking down.
"And we don't want humankind to die out, correct?" She asks, Marcus and I nod.

I'm so confused.

Marcus was looking down, not making eye contact with me.
"Now, y/n...you are the only girl that isn't related to Marcus" she says, looking at me.
I nod, still confused.
"We need to repopulate" she says, my eyes widen as I shake my head.
I stand up.
"What?" I ask, thinking I didn't hear her correctly.
"Apart from Lee and I, You and Marcus are presumably the last two people that can...repopulate" she says, my eyes well up with tears.
"Then We'll find two others!" I say panicking, trying to think of a distraction.
"I know it's a shock, but it's the only way-" Evelyn starts but I cut her off.
"I'm only 15! I'm not ready to have a child" I say, running my fingers through my hair.
"Y/n, you're sixteen tomorrow and-" Evelyn starts but I cut her off again.
"I'm too young! And I'm sure there are other people!" I say, panicking even more.
Tears start pouring out of my eyes.
I can't imagine it, carrying a baby at this age.

Marcus stands up, taking my hands in his.
"I know it's hard...but, she's right" he says, looking into my eyes.
I look over at Evelyn who looks guilty in a way.
I brush Marcus's hands off, walking out of the house.
I walk towards the one place i feel safe.

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