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"Are you okay? I heard crying" Evelyn says, bursting into the bedroom.
I look up at her, wiping my tears away.
"W-We're fine" I say, Marcus looks down at me with a worried look.
"You don't look it" Evelyn says, sighing.
I slide out of Marcus's grip, standing up from the bed.
"I just need some air" I say quietly, avoiding any eye contact.
I walk out of the room before anyone could reply.

(Marcus's POV)

Y/n walks out of the room, avoiding looking at us.
I could tell she was really upset.
"Tell me What happened" my mom says, closing the door.
"I think you know what happened" I reply, frowning slightly.
"But that wasn't because you told us about...that night, That was something else" she says, sitting next to me.
I sigh, knowing she won't let it slip.
"We where..kissing" I start, looking down.
"It got a bit heated, and-" my mom cuts me off.
"Did you guys...y'know?" She asks.
"No!" I say quickly, she nods.
"But she had some sort of...flashback I guess" I say, my mom looks up in realisation.
She sighs, sounding sad.
"oh" she says, I nod.
"I wish I could've helped her" I say, starting to feel tears well up in my eyes.
"Hey, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could've done" my mom says.
"No, but she'll never forget" I say, feeling a tear fall out of my eye.
My mom hugs me.
"I know you want to protect her, but being there for her is enough. She's happy with you, Marcus" she says, I sigh.
"But that doesn't help her, mom" I say, crying even more.
"I know it doesn't. but that night she came to our house in pieces, you where the one who put her back together" my mom says, looking at me sternly.
"You are the only one who can help her, Marcus" she says, I slowly nod.
"Should I find her?" I ask, my mom nods.
I wipe my tears away before quickly walking out of the bedroom, going to all the possible places y/n could be.

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