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Marcus stops at a waterfall, I stop next to him.
I look up, seeing the sun reflect on the water causing a mixture of colors to form.
I walk along the small trail, tracing my fingertips against the
Rocks that where shaped like a tall wall.
I try to think about the memories I had here, remembering a faint memory every now and again.
I look over to Marcus, who was watching me with a small smile on his lips.
I smile, finally remembering something.

Marcus and I where kissing, in this very spot.
I was happy, So was he.
I told him I loved him, and he told me he did too.
And I remember how much I loved him...how much I still do love him.

"I remembered something" I say, smiling.
"You did? What?" He asks excitedly.
I smile, walking up to him.
Without saying anything, I press my lips to his.
He instantly kissed back, placing his hands on my cheeks.
After a few seconds I pull away.
Marcus smiles brightly, placing his hands on my waist.
"I missed that" he says, resting his forehead on mine.
I smile, pressing my lips to his once again.
This time lasted longer.
he deepens the kiss, gently pushing my back against the massive rock.
We continue to kiss for awhile, enjoying every second of it.
I start to run out of breath, having no choice but to pull away.
I smile, playing with his curly brown hair.
He smiles, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.
"I remembered how much you mean to me" I say quietly.
"I always loved you. My mind was just lost" I say, looking down.
"I still would've loved you if you loved me or not" he says, I look up at him.
I smile, he smiles back.
"I love you" He says quietly.
"I love you too" I reply, smiling.

(Lees POV)
"What did you tell him?" Evelyn asks, looking worried.
"I told him not to hurt her" I say.
"Did he push her?" She asks, her face changing from worried to surprised.
"It was an accident. That's what he said, anyways" I say, not believing him 100%.
I thought he wouldn't hurt her, but after he punched me, I'm not so sure.
"You don't actually think he'd push her, do you?" Evelyn asks.
"I don't know" I say.
"I don't think he would. Not y/n" Evelyn says.
"She's all he has. He pushes us away" she says, sitting on the couch.
"He loves her more than anything, just like I do to you and the kids" I say, Evelyn smiles.
"I know, I just hope she'll remember him. I don't think I could do it if you didn't remember me" she says, looking down.
"Do what?" I ask.
"...Anything." She says, I sigh.
"She hit her head pretty badly. And when she was kidnapped she lost her memory, so her brain has already had a lot of strain" I say, Evelyn sighs.
"I just want them to have the love we have" she says.

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