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Lee had told us all to sit at the table so he could speak to us.
I was in between Marcus and Evelyn, Regan was holding Dylan.
Lee sighs, starting to speak.
"We need to discus what you can and can't remember, y/n" Lee says, I nod.
"Do You remember your brothers?" Lee asks, I nod.
"Levi?" I ask, lee nods.
"And jack?" Lee asks.
I think for a second.
"No" I say quietly.
"He was younger than you, he was 10 when he died" Lee says, I look down a bit.
"Maybe you can can only remember people who you've known for your whole life" Lee says, I shrug.
"maybe if we show you a picture, it'll jog your memory" Evelyn adds on.
"We can try" I say, Evelyn stands up.
She walks out of the room, soon returning with a bundle of pictures.
She lays them out on the table, each of them having me in them.
"Take a look" she says, sitting in her seat.
I look at them, remembering the moments every once in a while.
"This one" I say, picking up a picture.
I remembered that day.
"I remember this" I say.
It was a picture of Marcus and I outside of school.
It was the day of the school photos, and I was pulling faces at Marcus and they kept having to redo the pictures because he kept falling off the chair.
I look up at Marcus, he smiles.
He takes my hand under the table, causing me to smile.
"That's good, maybe that's the key" Lee says.
"To show you a picture, or describe it to you" He adds on, I nod.
"I hope so" I say.
I pick up a different photo, this one also of Marcus and I.
It was Marcus's birthday party, we where sitting in a massive box that one of his presents came in.
I smile, remembering it clear as daylight.
"I remember this one as well" I say, placing it back on the table.
"Marcus's birthday party" I say, looking at Marcus.
He nods, stroking my hand under the table.
"What about this one" Evelyn asks, handing me a picture.
It was a picture of Marcus and I sitting on his bed, we where laughing.
I think harder, starting to remember it.
"I-I came to your house that day because I was upset. I can't remember why" I say, a bit unsure if I was right or not.
Marcus looks at Lee, suddenly looking uncomfortable.
"Let's try a different one" Marcus says, picking up one of the pictures.
"This one?" He asks.
I take it in my hands, scanning every inch of the picture.
It was a picture of Marcus, another boy and I in the garden.
we where younger, about 5 or 6.
I think harder, trying to remember the moment.
"Want a hint?" Evelyn asks, I nod.
"That was the day your younger brother was born. That's you, Marcus and your older brother" she says, I think even harder.
"I remember being left alone in the house with my brother, then you came to get me" I say, looking at Marcus.
He nods, smiling sadly.
"I remember feeling alone. I was scared of my father" I say.
Lee sighs, looking down.
"Why don't we go somewhere?" He asks, I nod.
"Where?" I ask, Lee smiles at Marcus.
"The waterfall?" He asks, Marcus smiles.
Marcus and I stand up as I follow him, walking to the door.
"I'm going to stay with your mother, take care of y/n" Lee says to Marcus.
Marcus nods, opening the door.
I follow him as we walk down The pathway, occasionally talking about things.

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