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(Marcus's POV)

"Can you please explain what that was all about?" My mom asks as her and my dad sit next me me.
Y/n had gone upstairs with Regan to calm down a bit.
"It's between us" I say, trying to protect her privacy.
"We need to know, we have to be open about things" my dad says, my mom nods.
"No. it's her privacy, You can't invade it" I say, trying to defend her.
"I understand that, but it'll be better if you tell us. We can work it out together" my mom says.
"No. But I think you should tell me why y/n's mom was here" I say, trying to sound intimidating.
My dad sighs.
"That's between us" my dad says.
I raise my eyebrows, crossing my arms like a child.
"Okay...we'll tell you" my mom says.
"So you know the situation between y/n and her parents" my mom says, I nod.
"And technically we aren't allowed to have y/n" my mom says, pausing.
"But that doesn't matter. There are no laws now" I say, confused.
"Exactly" my mom says.
"There are no laws, so the people left on earth aren't very...friendly" my mom adds on.
"You said you didn't think there where any people left" I say, getting even more confused.
"There are...But they aren't friendly" my dad says.
"There aren't any laws...or any girls where they are" my mom says.
"Do you understand?" My mom asks.
"No" I say, still confused.
"Her mom has been contacting us for the last few weeks, she wanted y/n to go with her" my dad says.
"But why? She doesn't like her" I say.
"There's a gang a few hours away from here...she was going to sell
y/n to them" my mom explains.
My eyes widen.
"Sell her? For what? she doesn't need money" I say, shocked that her mom would even think about doing that.
"For weapons, power,
and things people like them shouldn't have in their reach" my dad says.
"That's why right now is the most important time for you to be protecting her" my mom says.
"How many gangs are there?" I ask, getting worried they might come for us.
"The nearest we know of is a few hours away. All the others are too far to get to us" my dad says.
"How do you know their locations?" I ask.
"The computer store I found last month. I found a thing in there, it was a WiFi booster" my dad says.
"Surely it wouldn't work" I say.
"I had to fix it up a bit, but I made a more advanced setting on it" my dad says.

He used to work in a technology business and invent things in technology, so he has years of experience with things like that.

I look at my mom, who looked like she needed to say something.
"Please tell us what's going on with y/n" my dad says, I look at him.
"I told you, it's her choice if she wants to tell you or not" I say.
My dad sighs, getting frustrated.
"Is it something to do with the whole repopulation thing? Because I'm getting pretty tired of that" my mom says, sounding a bit frustrated.
"No! It's in the past, just like this conversation" I say, I stand up but my dad stops me.
"I need you to tell me." He says firmly.
"It's got nothing to do with you!" I yell, trying to push past him.
He stops me again.
I heard footsteps but ignored them.
"It's to protect her, so just tell us!" My dad says, raising his voice.
"Ask her yourself, it's not my place to tell you!" I yell back, my dad sighs again in frustration.
"Just tell me! That's all I ask!" My dad yells, I try and push past him, but I still couldn't.
"Do you really need to know that bad?" I ask, still yelling a bit.
My dad doesn't reply, but he nods instantly, still looking annoyed.
I look at my mom, she nods.
"It's for her own safety" my dad says, still in a loud tone.
I hear the door open, but I ignore it.
"Fine! if you need to know that bad, she was Sexually assaulted!" I yell, finally being pushed over the edge.
My parents' faces drop, instantly looking guilty for pushing me to say it.
My dad looks behind me, instantly looking sad.
I follow his gaze to the door.
Y/n was standing there, with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, wai-" before I could finish she ran out the door.
"Are you happy now?!" I yell at my parents, who where both looking down.
I wipe the tears off my cheeks, running out the door to find y/n.

I never meant to hurt her.

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