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I step out of the house, walking towards the memorial thing we made for Levi.
I haven't been there since we made it.
Well, I haven't been outside since we made it.
I limp my way towards it, trying my best not to fall over being the clumsy person I am.
I see the small ring of planted flowers and a box of all the things he loved in the middle of the ring.
I open the box, taking out his small key ring.
The key ring is shaped like two people holding hands.
It says in Japanese writing at the top,
'Friends come and go, But family stays Forever.'
He always used to say it was us, and as long as he had it, he'd protect me.
And he kept his promise.

I place the key ring back in the box, hearing someone approaching me.
I close the box and put it back where it was.
I feel someone sit next to me, but I keep my eye contact on the ground.
"Did she tell you?" I hear Lee say.
I look up at him, wiping the tears off my cheeks.
"Tell me what" I say quietly, still a bit scared to speak outside.
Lee looks at me, raising his eyebrows.
I sigh, feeling tears start to build up again.
"You know, when we had Regan" Lee starts, I look up at him.
"When Evelyn found out she was pregnant, she was scared" he says,
I look down.
"It's a bit different though, isn't it?" I say rather bluntly, looking up at him trying my best to hold my tears back.
"I know, I know" he says, trying to get to the point.
"But the second she held her, she fell in love...And what I'm saying is, I know it's hard to love someone you've never met before. But when you meet them, it makes everything worth it" Lee says, I put my head in my hands so he can't see me crying.
"It's not fair" I say, now making it obvious that I'm crying.
"I know it doesn't seem fair right now. And I'm going to be honest, it will be hard, and every step will get harder-" I cut him off
"Not helping" I say, looking at him dead serious.
"Let me finish" he says, I look down.
"Marcus will be there for you." He simply says.
"That's it?" I ask in disbelief.
I thought he was gonna say I didn't have to do it, but no.
"I know that doesn't help your case, but he's a good kid. And he promised your brother to look after you forever" Lee says, making more tears build up in my eyes.
"And he hasn't broken that promise, And he never will...So please just think about it?" Lee asks, with hopeful eyes.
"But It's easy for you and Marcus to say. Boys aren't the ones that have to carry the baby! If you where in my shoes, you wouldn't do it" I defend, still trying to get out of it.
"Probably not...But I'm not you. you're much stronger than me. And it won't be right now, anyway" Lee says, I scoff.
"When?" I ask.
"Well, I think Sometime when you're 16 is a good deal?" He says, sounding unsure.
"A goOD DEAL?" I ask, my voice getting louder throughout the sentence.
"You realise I'm 16 tomorrow, right?!"
Lee looks down at me, sighing.
"I hate this" I say, calming myself.
"I know you do. And believe me, I would if I where you. But sometimes we have to put others first" Lee says.
"I always put others first, And it never ends well. I mean, look what happened" I say, feeling myself getting emotional.
"Levi's gone. Jack's gone. My brothers, my best friends. They where too young, especially jack. And it's never fair for me" I say, probably sounding a bit selfish Considering Lee has gone through the same thing as me.
"Just listen" Lee says, turning to face me.
"Yes, maybe there are other people. But even if there are, we need a next generation. And baby Dylan needs to have friends" Lee says, making me chuckle.
"Marcus won't hurt you. He won't do anything you don't want. And i know it's scary, but if you just think about it, maybe you'll change your mind" Lee says, I sigh.
"I'll think about it" I say, Lee smiles.
"Do you want to be left alone to think?" Lee asks, I nod.
He scruffs my hair up making me laugh, he then stands up and walks into the house.

I have some thinking to do, even though I'm probably not going to go through with it.

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