Chapter Four

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The next morning. I woke up so early that I've decided to go on a run. I don't go on runs very often since my brother and dad moved out. I always use to go with him. I just put one some black leggings and white tank top and a sport bra to be comfortable.

When I finally went outside I've decided to go to the park. Since it's close to the college campus. I was running for about 20 minutes when I saw a familiar face. It was Asher, also was running. I've shout his name and he turned around and smiles at me. Then start to run on the spot he waited for me to catch up with him.

Asher: Hey, stranger
Annie: Hi,... what... are you doing up so early?
Asher: I could ask you the same.
Annie: Got up too early and was bored at the dorm.
Asher: Same to be honest. Plus I just wanted to clear my head.
Annie: Can we get some food. If you want?
Asher: Yeah I would love that.
Annie: Okay... let's race. Whoever gets first to that cafe doesn't pay!
Asher: Get your money out.
Annie: I'm not going to loss.
Asher: Are you sure of that?
Annie: No... I mean yes. I am. I'm going to win.

2 minutes later.

Annie: Ha... I won, you're paying.
Asher: Fine, Whatever. Looks like I'm not that fast.
Annie: You're fast. At one point I was behind.
Asher: for about two seconds.
Annie: Haha... it's good to win something.
Asher: Alright, What would you like?
Annie: Just a bottle of water
Asher: ok, and I'll bring some sandwiches.
Annie: Thanks.

While waiting for Asher to come back with the food I looked outside the window. The leaves swinging side to side, the wind blowing side to side. The fresh morning breeze just gives your life. Everything starts to look like fall (autumn).

Asher: Here you go.
Annie: Thank you.

Me and Asher sat there for few minutes in silence since we didn't know what to talk about. Then the silent go broke by Asher asking about my bracelet. I always play with my bracelet when I'm stressed or just thinking about my older brother in Texas.

Annie: It's a bracelet that my brother gave me.
Asher: Where is he now?
Annie: My parents split up and he moved with my dad to Texas.
Asher: I'm sorry-
Annie: No, it's fine. Don't be.

We chatted for few more minutes, enjoying our sandwiches then it was time to go back to the dorm. We walked together since we live in the same building.

Asher: See ya later.
Annie: Bye.
We hugged then I went to my dorm and had a shower.

After the shower I rang Johnny and asked him if he wants to hangout with me and the girls.

*phone convo*
Annie: Hey, Johnny! Wanna come over?
Johnny: Hey, Yeah sure be there in 20
Annie: Tell others to come along.
Johnny: Okay, see ya later.
Annie: Bye
*phone convo end*

20 minutes later there's a knock on the door. Mads went and open the door for the lads.

Mads: Hey, Guys
Boys: Hey.

Johnny came in with the boys and he gave me a hug. Also did Carson. Asher just went straight to Kenzie and kissed her.

Mads: Aww.. you two are so cute!!
Annie: Yeah... they're. *😔*

It just got silent for few minutes. It just felt awkward. I don't know why but I just felt sad inside. I wanted Asher to hug me so bad but he didn't since it would look weird for us to hug. Even if we hug I wouldn't let go so easily. I could just see Johnny looking at me like I'll be in some kind of trouble.

Johnny: Umm... Guys what are we going to do?
Kenzie: Let's play UNO.
Annie: Let's play. This time I'm for sure gonna win.
Everyone: Haha
Mads: Love your spirit, Anns
Johnny: Wow!! Annie, if you need any lessons I can teach you.

I just grabbed a pillow from my bed and throw it at Johnny's direction. Haha, he didn't catch it and it hit his face.

Johnny: Ouch...

He got up and walked towards me. Then he picked me up and then starts to tickle me.

Annie: Ahh... stop... stop....haha
Johnny: How do you like that?
Annie: Not, fair. You know that I hate when people tickle me.
Everyone: Haha
Kenzie: You two have a such a good friendship bond. I love it.
Annie: We do? Most of the time he's just annoying. Haha

When I finished my sentence Johnny grabbed me and a hugged me but then started to tickle me again. I just couldn't stop laughing.

Annie: Hahah... stop.
Johnny: I'm annoying?
Annie: Umm...-
Johnny: Don't even finish that!
Annie: Fine, let's get back to the game!

I just rolled my eyes and sat back down. Yay I won the first round but then lost the next one. And then the next one. And the next one after the other one. I really need to remember to say UNO when I have one card left.

Johnny: My offer is still standing.
Annie: I don't your petty, especially I don't need YOU to teach me how to play.
Johnny: How ever you wish, Anns.
Kenzie: I'm hungry. Can we order something?
Mads: I like that idea.
Carson: Yeah... I want pizza.
Asher: I'll order it you guys just gonna pay me off later.
Everyone: Okay.

Another 40 minutes have passed and Me and Asher  went to get the pizza's. Since one person couldn't brought everything here by them selves. I was going with Asher since I'm slow at catching anything, plus I "was slow" to say "not me".

Asher: Okay, Anns. Let's get the pizza.

We walked out the room and it got a little bit awkward between us. So I broke the silence.

Annie: So,..
Asher: How's your day going?
Annie: What? I'm mean. Fine, I guess. Anyways, how long have you and Kenzie been going out for?
Asher: Haven't she told you yet? Wow! Surprised. Nearly a year.
Annie: That's long. Longer that I've ever been with a guy. Ahah

I said that very awkwardly. Ugh... why did I said that.

Annie: I mean, if we were dating or something it probably would last. Since I'm "inappropriately not good as a girlfriend"-
Asher: Wow! Slow down. Us. Dating. That would not work out.
Annie: Why wouldn't it?
Asher: We are... just so different. You know?
Annie: No, I don't.

We got the pizza and the sodas and then head back. What does he mean that it would never happen. It's not like he thinks that Kenzie is the only one? Does he?

Annie: Do you feel committed to Kenzie?
Asher: Committed? Yeas of course. I know that it would break her heart if I broke up with her.
Annie: But, do you think you two will last until college ends?
Asher: I hope so, but I wound mind any distractions. *😏*
Annie: Are you playing with me?*😔* Because I don't like when guys play with me.
Asher: I'm sorry, Anns. I didn't meant to upset up. But, that's the thing I don't know if me and Kenz would be together next week or next year. Also I need to keep my mind open. Plus she doesn't look that into me as she was before we got here.
Annie: Then break up with here? It's not that hard.
Asher: Yes, it is.
Annie: *rolled my eyes*
Asher: Stop with the attitude.
Annie: Attitude? What attitude?...


Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment also Annie is getting jealous 🤭

xoxo Mads

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