Chapter Nine

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(Back to the phone call between Annie and Caleb)

Annie: Are you serious?! Why would dad wouldn't let you talk to me or even MOM?! Caleb: Anns, calm down! It's not a big deal. The big deal is-
Annie: Don't tell me what to do.
Caleb: Annie! Just listen to me. I have something very important to tell you.
Annies What?!
Caleb: I'm in a hospital. I've been here for few days, and I don't know when I'll be out.
Annie: Oh no, please say that you're joking.
Caleb: No I'm not. It's something bad and I don't want you guys to be a war with dad. Could you come over ?
Annie: I would love too, but I can't. I can't. I'm suspended and I can't leave college grounds for the next few days.
Caleb: What have you done?
Annie: Me!! Nothing!
Caleb: Annie?!
Annie: Fine. I got into a fight with my friends-
Caleb: Johnny?!
Annie: No, my new friend Kenzie. I've kinda been flirting with her boyfriend and we got into a verbal fight in a class. Plus, I walked off from the teacher which now I have a longer suspicion that Kenzie.
Caleb: Anns, you really need to control you feelings.
Annie: That's the thing I can't. I've been wanted to tell him her so badly but I couldn't. But then I did I just don't like lying to my friends.
Caleb: I know. What happened between you and Johnny?
Annie: He told me that he's been seeing somebody and I figure it out it was kenzie. And she has right go at me for kissing her boyfriend once. Once, and there is her kissing my best friend multiple times. How is that fair?!
Caleb: You're right!! She might have reacted a little bit harsh but don't blame her. Her boyfriend was distant from her and she needed him.
Annie: Thanks Caleb. I really miss you. I want to give you a hug but I can't.
Caleb: I know what you mean. I really wished you could be here in these dark days of mine.
Annie: I have to go now but please call me tomorrow. I want to know how you doing?
Caleb: Goodbye, I love you Annie.
Annie: Love you too, talk tomorrow.

This sucks, Caleb is in a hospital and he's not doing well. I just found out that dad doesn't want anything to do with me. That's great. Kenzie and I got into a fight, just like me and Johnny. That's grate too. I haven't seen Asher in past few hours and I want Asher to just give me and hug and tell me that everything is going to be fine.

I should head back to the dorm room. Apparently Kenzie is moved to Jayden's and Indiana's dorm room so me and Mads are staying together.

College thought that's a good idea for few days. When I got back to the dorm room Mads asked me about Caleb and then I headed to get a shower. After the shower I got all changed into sweats and lay down on my bed facing the wall. I just couldn't look at Mads knowing that I've ruined things with Kenzie.

Mads: Good night Anns.
Annie: Night

I replayed fast then I cried my self to sleep. The next morning was quiet and miserable. I called Caleb about hundred times but their was no answer. I'd tried calling my mum and dad but neither of them picked up. I was just lying in my bed thinking the worse. Why isn't he picking up? Maybe he had some test going on this morning or he just still sleeping. Mads was talking to her sister that lives in Texas, I don't really know anything about her family.

Mads: Hey, Anns! Are you coming with me and my sister for breakfast?
Annie: Your sister?? I thought that she lives in Texas?!
Mads: She does but she came to visit me. So, are you coming or not?
Annie: I'm no really in a mood. You two should just go and have some alone time.
Mads: Suit your self. We be back here in an hour or so.
Annie: Okay, bye.
Mads: Bye.

Mads went for breakfast with her sister and I tried calling Caleb one more time, but someone else picked up the cell phone. It was a nurse.

Annie: Caleb?! Hello.
Nurse: No sweetie. It's his nurse here.
Annie: Good morning, Could I speak to my brother?
Nurse: I'm sorry but right now he's not available or he won't be available at all.
Annie: What do you mean?!
Nurse: I'm sorry, but I can't forward the information. It's only for his family.
Annie: I'm his little sister. Please tell me.
Nurse: I'm sorry but I can't his dad told me to only tell him as he's his only family.
Annie: What the f?! He's my older brother.
Nurse: Please call you dad if he is your dad
Annie: Rude?! He won't even pick up from me. Please I'm begging you to tell me.
Nurse: I'm sorry for your lost but Caleb passed away last night.
Annie: Please say you're joking?! This can't be real. Am I still dreaming. Please wake me up from this nightmare.
Nurse: I'm sorry, but I really need to go now.
Annie: Thank you...

What?! Caleb is dead!! DEAD!! No this can't be true. I just wanna cry and stay here in my bed forever. I haven't seen him in months and now he's gone. I'd promised him a hug and I didn't gave him one. Tears falling from my face into my pillow. I can't deal with this anymore.

So, many things have happed in these passed few days. I really don't want to be alone, so I went to the boys dorm room. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. I didn't care who would open it. I didn't even looked I just putted my arms around them and hugged and tears started run down my face, again.

Carson: Annie?!-
Annie: ...
Carson: What wrong?! Are you okay?!
Annie: I'm I'm sorry. I I didn't know what to do do, so I came here. I just needed a a hug from someone.
Carson: Anns, stop crying!! Everything is going to be fine between you and Kenzie.
Annie: Oh that, I wasn't talking about that.
Asher: What do you mean?!
Annie: Asher?! What are you doing her?
Asher: Last time I've checked this was my dorm room.
Annie: I'm sorry. I should probably just leave.

I turned around and before exiting the room. Asher grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. I would just see him being worried about me. He's eyes go big and looked upset. I could tell that he's been crying. Johnny told him everything about Kenzie and him. He was shuttered to hear that his girlfriend has cheated on him but not with just one kiss but multiple ones.

Asher: Annie, what wrong?! I don't like seeing you upset!
Annie: I just have things going on at home and I don't know how to deal with them.
Asher: I'm sorry. Could I help somehow?!
Annie: Just hold me tight and never let go.

Asher stepped closer to me, picking my chin up and looked into my eyes. His eyes are just so beautiful I just want to stare at them. Then he focused at looking at me trying to figure out what's going on. Then I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead. Then he hugged me tightly and didn't let go far a long time. I was feeling so safe and happy in his arms. After few minutes of silent hugging I've pulled away and looked at him. Looked at him as I wanted him and only him.

Annie: I like you a lot.
Asher: Annie, I like you too.

Then our lips pucker together into a long passionate kiss. It felt so much better that from last time. Now I know that he's the only guy I want.


So much happened this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and vote for my story. 😭
xoxo Mads

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