Chapter Eight

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Kenzie: Cheating?!
Annie: Don't sound so surprised?
Mads: Annie, Kenzie. Stop!
Teacher: You two! Outside now!

Me and Kenzie went outside and waited for the teacher to come out.

Annie: Johnny told me everything. Did you actually thought that he wouldn't? He's my best friend.
Kenzie: Yeah... at least he's isn't you boyfriend.
Annie: Kenzie, Do you even hear yourself. You're the one that is cheating on Asher, not me!! You're the one that has been fake about your feeling towards Asher.
Kenzie: Don't make me sound so bad. Since, you're the reason that Asher distance himself from me. Also, you've distant your self from Johnny and I was the one replacing you.
Annie: Ugh!! You're so annoying.

I just ran out before the teacher even had the chance to stop me. Kenzie was still standing there since she's to shy and scared to not to follow the rules.

I just went running straight to Boys dorm. I was crying. The tears falling from my face. Why did I told her? I feel so bad but in the same time I don't she also been lying to me and Hayden. I knock on the door expecting Johnny and Hayden to be there, but only Johnny was in.

Johnny: Annie, what happened? Are you okay?
Annie: No I'm not!

I shouted. I sat down on the couch and told him everything that happened.

Johnny: I'm sorry, Anns-
Annie: No, you can't say that to me. She told me that I've been replaced by her.
Johnny: Don't Annie, you did distant from me.
Annie: I know I did but it doesn't mean that you had a right to replace me with someone else. I had so much going. My dad leaving at the start of summer. My older brother leaving and not even wanting to visit me and my mum since my dad doesn't let him. My mum has been miserable for whole this time.
Johnny: Don't bring your family to this! It's not their fault the way you're acting.
Annie: Wow!! Maybe we shouldn't be friends?! Hayden helped me to forget about everything that is bad but also did you. Thank you, for making me realise how you actually feel about me.
Johnny: No Anns, wait. I didn't mean it like that.
Annie: Yeas, you did.

I just ran out of the room and went to my room. My hands were shaking so much while I was unlocking the door. My hands were shaking so bad. Finally I'd opened the door and walked in and closed the door.

I looked around if Kenzie was in but there was no one. I just sat down on the floor hugging my legs and cried. I've cried for so long that I didn't even noticed that Mads was back.

Mads: OMG!! Annie, come on. Get up!
Annie: Just leave me alone!!!!

I stormed off to the bathroom and locked the door. Mads was trying to get in but I didn't let her in. She was banging on the doors, trying to convince me to open the door. I didn't. Then I hear a phone ringing it was mine, but I couldn't find it anywhere. It must have fallen out from my pocket. Mads picked it up. It was my brother... Caleb.

Mads: Hey, I'm Mads. Annie is busy right now.
Caleb: Wait?! I really need to talk to her. Could you tell her to call me back ASAP.
Mads: Sure. I will tell her that.

When she finished talking on the phone I asked who it was and why did they call. She told me it was Caleb and he wants to tell me something important.

Mads: Annie, please come out. Your brother called you need to call him back ASAP.

I unlocked the door. I walked out slowly and then gave Mads a hug.

Annie: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react like this or even telling Kenzie.
Mads: Annie, it's okay. Just get your self together and call you brother back.
Annie: Okay, thanks. Where's Kenzie? I really need to talk to her. I've messed up everything.
Mads: Not right now. Go get change and call your brother first.
Annie: Okay.

I got a shower and changed into some comfy clothes and went outside. I just sat on the bench just outside the building. I called Caleb. I didn't know what to expect. I haven't spoke to him for so long. We distant so much throughout the past few months.

Annie: ...
Caleb: Annie, Johnny called me. He told me everything that happened earlier.
Annie: Oh Okay. I get it so if he calls you and tells you to call me back then you will listen. But whenever I told you to keep contact with me and mum you just ignore me. Wow!! Okay bye.
Caleb: No, Annie. Wait. I couldn't call your earlier since I didn't have a phone. Dad, took it and told me to not keep contact with you guys...


Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. 🥰

xoxo Mads

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