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If you are still upset over Robin William's death, don't be! He's actually just waiting in a jungle for someone to roll a double in the game Jumanji.

Wow, I have not updated this in a while. I'm still trying to watch Mrs. Doubtfire, maybe since it's the weekend I can finally do that! So I was in school today and the boys at my table finally started talking about Robin. One of them mentioned this and it made gears turn in my head, there are so many movie dimensions Robin could be in! For example the Jumanji one which is at the top of the page. I will list all the dimensions Robin is in.

1. Waiting in his lamp for a certain someone to rub it.

2. Waiting for someone to roll a double.

3. In a comic book for kids which promotes a green vegetable.

That's all I got for now! Leave in the comments all the dimensions Robin is in, and remeber he lives forever in his movies!

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