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Robin, you said you can't bring people back from the dead in Aladdin, but that's alright. Because you also said,"I'm history! No, I'm mythology. Nah, I don't care what I am. I'm free!" 

I doesn't matter if you're dead or alive, or if you're famous or not (even though we all you know you are), you are free from your burdon. Robin, you are free to do what you want! You aren't, and never will be, gone. You will forever roam this earth whether you want to or not. Why? Because you have your movies. Some people don't even get that much. Robin, even though you are free, you aren't gone because we still need you. You are a crutch that we need. So it's a good thing you are still "here", just like Genie. He chose to come back even though he was free. Robin you certainly are magical, even if you can't shoot magic out of your fingers.

But even though I've said this a lot in this entry, Robin, you are free!

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