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We all have them. Imperfections are impossible to avoid, even the great Robin Williams had them. Well (and by no means do I mean to insult Robin), he said in Mrs. Doubtfire he goes on to say a whole monologue about why smoking was bad: it causes lung cancer and death. But I found this picture (drawing) of Robin doing the unforgivable (not really): smoking. Yeah, I just that it was funny how he contradicted himself. Unless of course he quit because this portrait is of him on Mork and Mindy. Oh well, nobody is perfect. Not even Robin. Which is why he is even more lovable because he is relatable.

Robin, even though you smoked or whatever, you are still amazing. People overlooked this quaity about you, so why do they make you seem like a horrible person because you committed suicide? I still love you Robin, no matter what you did. 

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