Night at the Museum 3: Secret of the Tomb

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OMG! I absolutley loved this movie! It was so cute! Robin did great in it! Oh, and this chapter contains spoilers, so read at your own risk. 

First off, in the end credits, they had a "in loving memory of Mickey Rooney and Robin Williams." Then it said, "the magic never ends." That right there is my new moto for this book.

And also in the end, Robin's character Teddy Rosevelt tells Larry that even though Larry won't be able to talk to him or be with him, he will always be in his heart. Okay, at this point I was crying. It is so symbolic, so amazing, so true. Robin is still with us in his movies. He will never leave, and to those who think he is gone, he got to say one last goodbye in this film. 

In the middle of the movie (it seems I'm going backwards here), Teddy was telling Larry to let him go, and that he was willing to sacrifce himself so that Larry could get the tablet. I was freaking out because I thought they were going to kill off Teddy. I was staring wide-eyed at the screen, mentally screaming. I was like, "what the heck!?" But Teddy didn't die, so I was happy.

Okay, I know I don't usually add the symbolism stuff in with the actual chapter, but I'm making an exception this time because this whole movie was symbolic.

For those who don't know, Robin had Parkinsons disease. Parkinsons disease is when your body moves uncontrollably and it affects your speech and how you walk. Well, in the movie, Teddy was undergoing similar problems. He started saying weird stuff, moving uncontrollably, and walking weird. It was sort of like a representation of what happened to Robin.

And then there is his final farewell. Like I said before, he gave a touching monolgue about how he will never be truly gone, and that he will forever be with Larry in his heart.

And lastly, in the final moments of the movie, you see Teddy smiling with Sacagawea. I believe it represents Heaven, and how Robin is smiling up there, having a great time with his late family and friends. 

All in all, I loved this movie. I loved Robin's role, and I thought he did a great job, though I wish he had more screen time. Anyway, it was amazing. He was amazing. I just can't get over how awesome it was seeing him on the screen. 

And before I end in this chapter, let me remind you that the magic never ends.

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