You were the Genie (Love Story Spoof)

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I was really young when I first saw you.

I close my eyes and the flashback starts

I'm sitting there,

on my couch and it's summertime.

I see the TV

see that blue genie

I see you singing songs amazingly,

you were the Genie along long time ago.

The flash back ends, and I see your face

on the TV going on about

how you died,

that one fatal day

I was crying on my staircase,

and I said

"Robin, please tell us that this isn't true,

I was really hoping to meet you.

you were the Genie, that I loved

to watch on the TV screen

back then and now.

Ok, my best friend and i were talking about Robin the other day and she said something that I will never forget."Before the day he died, we were watching Aladdin and enjoying Robin Williams together. He would never know that we were laughing and talking about him and loving his work." This si so true, and I wanted to show you guys this because he didn't know us, but we knew him. 

Thank you guys for reading this book. It has 1,003 reads, and since I haven't seen any Robin Williams movies yet, i wanted ot show you this spoof I wrote for him based on the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. I hope you enjoy.

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