Dreams come true

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*Days go on forever, several months pass. By now, everyone knows that you love these boys known as Sam and Colby. Your birthday comes around and you being you.. you dont expect anything for your birthday. You go to check the mail and theres a little letter that doesnt have anything on it besides your name. You walk back inside, open the envelope and theres a letter, it's from your parents. It says..."Dear, y/n,
It's been a pretty rough year for you. Struggling financially and with your mental health but you always seem to push through and make things work.. so for your birthday, we've did some research about those boys you love, found out a few things.. put some of your money together and we were able to get this for you. We love you. You deserve this. Happy birthday!"
*Your confused and look back in the envelope and pull out a thicker piece of paper. You take a moment and read it. Your hand starts to shake with excitement and you start to jump around and happy dance as tears roll down your face. You take a little private moment to get some of your excitement out. You slip on your flip flops and go run around outside*
You: "ahhhh! I'm meeting Sam and Colby on tour! Woohoo!"
*You get back inside, lay down on the floor your bed and take another look at the ticket. Your still so full of excitement! You lift your feet off the floor, kick and punch the air*
You: "Oh yeah, baby! Yes! Yes!"
*After spending a few hours of fangirling, you call your parents and thank them. You have approximately a month and a half til the day you meet them so you take this time to do something that you can give them. You spend several weeks writing your individual letters to the boys, making sure it's perfect and saying everything you want them to know since this is your once in a lifetime opportunity! You go out and find a small gift for them. You find a cool mens ring that has a skull on it and it has gems for eyes which would be perfect for Colby. You happen to find a keychain that says "Normal is overrated" which is perfect for Sam. You have 1 week left! You put the letters in different envelopes, put their names on the front and put their gifts into a little bag and then put everything in your purse. Being so excited, you get your favorite outfit ready. Before you know it, it's the night before the big day. You treat yourself with a spa night. You do a few face masks, do your nails and shave your legs. It's time to go to bed.. but you can barely fall asleep as the moment is so close! You finally pass out and in a blink of an eye, its morning. Its finally the day! Your meeting Sam and Colby today! You have a hot shower, do your hair and do simple and natural makeup. You put on your clothes and have something to eat and then catch the city bus to the venue. Its 10am and the show doesnt start until 12 but you take that time to make some friends with girls that are also there. You make a few friends and spend the whole time talking about the boys, adding each other on social media and taking selfies to remember this amazing day! The line finally starts to move and you stand with your new friends. You buy some merch and get these cool light up bracelets and glow sticks.. then the lights finally dim and see the boys walk out. You immediately start screaming and recording the stage. You record some parts of the show as you also just wanna watch and enjoy just being there. The show goes on for 30 minutes and its finally time to meet them. You wait for what seemed like forever in line.. you see them! They are just a few feet away, they are taking pictures with the fans and take a moment to talk to them. They are so adorable and cant wait to get a hug from both of them.. then the time is here! Its your turn to meet them! They smile at you as you walk up to them, they each give you a firm hug*
Colby: "hi, what's your name?"
You: "y/n"
Sam: "nice to meet you"
You: "I love you guys so much! Thank you for everything... umm.. I have something for you guys"
*You give them the individual letters*
You: "and for Colby, I noticed you really like rings and you have an edgy style so I found this ring"
*You give it to him and he puts it on*
Colby: "wow, it's like perfect fit"
You: "and for Sam, I have this keychain"
*You bring it out and his smile gets bigger*
Sam: "that's awesome! I love it!"
*He takes his keys out of his pocket and puts it on his keys*
Colby: "Let's take a few pictures"
*You guys take a few pictures in cute poses*
Sam: "Thanks for coming out to see us"
You: "Thank you for coming to my city!"
*You turn to Colby*
You: "This is gonna be weird but can I touch your hair?"
Colby: "umm.. sure"
*He bends down a little as you run your fingers through his hair*
You: "oh my gosh.." you say to yourself
*Colby smiles at this is a first for him. You remove your hands and they each give you another hug.. and just like that. Your big moment to met your inspirations is gone. As you walk away and look back at them talking to the next person in line.. you miss them already. That moment of meeting them went by so fast. You wish that moment didnt have to end.. you spend some time with the girls you met there and now you go home. You keep thinking about what just happened as you go home and when you get home, you facetime your friend to tell her all about it. You guys end up planning a road trip during the summer to California after college graduation and then head to bed.*

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