Smooth... with some chunks

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*You wake up and rub your eyes*
You: "Colby? What's wrong?"
Colby: "I can't sleep.. can I lay down with you?"
*You smile and open the covers near the wall. He climbs over you and gets under the blanket. He puts his arm under your head as he uses your pillow and you pass out in his arms. The next morning, you wake up at 8 and hes on his stomach, facing you and one of his arms is over his head. You get up, get ready and before you head to college, you give him a kiss on his cheek and leave a note then go to school. While your done, he sleeps til noon. Stretches, yawns and rubs his eyes. Looks around and remembers where he is and then notices your note saying:
"Colby, I've gone to school. Be home around 4pm.
Xoxo, y/n"
*He gets up, has a shower and gets dressed. He shakes his hair in a towel and brushes his teeth. He has an idea and he calls an uber to do a cute surprise for you. He goes out for maybe 2 hours and come back with several bags of stuff and gets things ready for when you come back. Its 3:30pm and finally done school, you catch the bus and go home. Your so excited to see Colby again! You open the door and the lights are out and the place is being lit by candles. You only use your head to look around when he comes up behind you, slowly removing your light jacket off your shoulders as he goes to kiss your neck from behind. You tilt your head for easier access and you smile*
You: "I've missed you"
*He growls in between kisses*
Colby: "I've missed you more"
*He turns to around*
Colby: "I have a surprise for you"
*You check him out up and down*
You: "oh yeah?"
*He let's out a deep chuckle*
Colby: "it's not that.. but I like your thinking"
You: "what's the surprise?"
*He leads you to tour bedroom, he opens the door and theres a candle lit dinner, there's a bouquet of flowers and your playlist playing in the background*
You: "oh my God, this is so nice"
Colby: "come. Relax and eat with me"
*You both sit down and talk for a bit, after a while of chatting and making each other laugh..*
Colby: "I wanted to spend some time with you before I leave"
You: "leave?"

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