A little too late

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*Everyday is the normal school thing and nothing special happens except grad. It's finally summer, you guys spend 2 days packing and making a plan on things to do. You guys grab snacks before hitting the road, listening to music and talking and laughing the whole time plus stopping at random times to take some cool pictures. You guys enter California and you must go shopping! You both go in and out of stores, looking around and buying whatever your heart desires. You guys get something to eat at a little restaurant, it's a beautiful day so you guys decide to sit on the little patio. You sit, talk and look around to be aware of your surroundings then you see him*
You: "Oh. My. God."
Her: "what?"
*she turns around*
You: "dont be too obvious!.. but its Colby and hes with friends"
Her: "go say hi. What if he remembers you?"
You: "I'm not rememberable and hes with friends so I dont wanna bother him"
Her: "I'm sure you won't be bothering him if you just said hi"
*you take a deep breath*
You: "I just can't believe hes here.. like what are the odds?"
Her: "stop procrastinating and go get his autograph or something"
*you get up from the chair*
You: " I don't want his autograph I just want to hang out with him and make him laugh"
Her: "would you just go"
*she pushes you away and in the direction of Colby. You walk up to him with your heart beating out of your chest*
You: "hi, Colby"
Colby: "oh, hey! I remember you! You touched my hair on tour"
*You chuckle*
You: "yeah. I just saw you and I had to come say hi"
Colby: "I'm glad you did. Do you live in Cali?"
You: "uh.. no. My friend and I decided to take a road trip after graduation."
Colby: "Nice! Congrats on graduating"
You: "Thank you"
Colby: "How long are you here til?"
You: "3 days"
*He pulls out his phone*
Colby: "What's your number? Maybe we can go exploring"
*You shyly bite your lip and smile as you give him your number*
Colby: "Great. I'll text you up sometime soon"
You: "Sounds good"
*He gives you a hug and you back to see your friend*
Her: "how was that?"
You: "He remembered me and I gave him my number"
Her: " so it's official"
You: "what's official?"
Her: "He wants you" she moves her eyebrows up and down
You: "yeah right"
*You don't hear anything from Colby and it's time to go back home. The moment you talked to him is all you can think about during the ride back. Your friend notices that your upset*
Her: "y/n.."
You: "what?"
Her: "what's wrong?"
You: "nothing"
Her: "lies"
You: "I really wanted Colby to text me so we could go exploring"
Her: "maybe he forgot or he was busy"
You: "yeah.."
Her: "at least you got to meet him again"
*You nod your head and smile a little*
You: "he's just so perfect and he makes me feel this way that I can't explain. I wanna know everything about him and have long, deep conversations with him. I want to be a part of his life, ya know? I wanna be more than just physical.. I'm wrapped around his finger, its powerful.
*You continue to talk to her about Colby and end up passing out for the rest of the ride. Eventually, she wakes you up when you guys get to her place and she invites you to sleepover. You guys spend hours listening to music and on social media and then.. you get a text from Colby..*

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