He's smooth

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*The next day, you get up and leave a note for your friend so she doesnt worry about you. You get home to quickly have a shower, put some cute and comfy clothes on and wait for his text. Colby arrives in Denver, he let's you know and you give him your address. You patiently wait for him to get to your house. After like 40 mins which seemed like waiting all night, the doorbell rings. You look through the peekhole and see him. You do a little dance on the other side of the door to get the jitters out and then take a deep breath and open the door*
You: "hi!"
Colby: "hey.. you didnt think I was coming did ya?"
You: "honestly, no but I'm so glad you are. Come in and make yourself at home"
*He comes in and you show him where he can sleep. He drops his stuff off on the bed*
Colby: "Do you live alone?"
You: "yes"
Colby: "Cool. So what should we do?"
You: "I don't know.. I'm honestly dying on the inside"
*You chuckle nervously*
Colby: "Why?"
You: "Cause your Colby Brock and your here.. in my home. I've been watching you for a while now and.. I fucking love you"
Colby: "awe"
*He hugs you*
Colby: "Is there an abandoned place around here?"
You: "it's getting dark out.."
Colby: "are you afraid of the dark?"
*you smile*
You: "no.. I'm just saying but theres a movie theater that's like an hour out of the city, if you wanna check it out"
Colby: "great, let's do it"
*Colby gets an Uber and you guys hit the road. You both sit in the back and enjoy the ride. After a few moments of just enjoying the ride, Colby's hand slides across the middle back seat and begins to hold your hand. You look at him and you both smile at each other. All you do is follow his move so you hold his hand back and he holds your hand tighter. You guys arrive at the old movie theater, Colby pays and you both get out. The uber leaves and you just stand there*
Colby: "are you ok?:
You: "I didnt explore this place when it was dark out and it's kinda scary"
*He grabs your hand*
Colby: "it's ok, I'm here. I wont let anyone hurt you"
*You both walk hand in hand and look around a bit*
Colby: "do you know a way in?"
You: "yeah, theres like a big metal door"
*You guys continue to look for the door and finally find it. He opens the door and looks inside first to make sure it's ok to go in and then opens the door more for you. You enter by ducking a little under his arm*
Colby: "wow. This place is in really good shape"
You: "it's only been abandoned for maybe 10-15 years"
*You guys take a moment and look around and then he sits in one of the chairs. You see him just chilling there and looking around. He then taps the seat beside him to gesture you to sit down. You sit beside him and then he adjusts himself so hes facing you*
Colby: "so.. I have to be honest with you. When you came to see Sam and I, I just saw you and I thought you were so incredibly cute and you have a rockin' body.. and i wanted you to be mine"
*You just stare at him in silence*
Colby: "you could.. say something. Anything."
You: "How is this happening to me?"
Colby: "what do you mean?"
You: "From the first video I seen that had you in it.. I fell in love with you. Then I met you which I never thought would happen.. now your literally visiting me in my city and staying at my house.. and I'm exploring with you and your kinda.. like me?! Your Cole Robert Brock! I'm so amazed by you and I just cant believe this is happening to me when there are tons of girls that would die to be me right now"
Colby: "I'm guessing you like me back"
You: "I dont like you.. Colby, I'm fucking in love with you. I wanna marry you and be with you til the end of time"
*He looks back and forth between your eyes and then looks at your lips*
Colby: "Can I kiss you?"

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