Beautiful Night

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*You nod your head slowly. He then leans in, grips your jaw and kisses you passionately. You follow his lead and kiss him back. His lips are soft, plump and juicy. Your breath is shakey with nerves. Colby breaks the kiss*
Colby: "are you ok? Your shaking"
You: "I'm just hella nervous"
Colby: "You'll get used to it. Your just star struck"
You: "I'll get use to it?"
*He winks at you and then grabs your hand as you guys walk a around the theater a little more. You take a moment here and there to admire the view as he pulls you behind him*
Colby: "Its getting late, wanna go now?"
You: "yeah, it's getting cold too"
*He gives you his nirvana sweater to wear as he calls for a Uber. Your ride arrives and you guys head back to your house. You both chill in the room he's staying*
Colby: "What do you usually do at night?"
You: "listen to music, eat and chill in bed on social media"
Colby: "Do you go to bed at a certain time?"
You: "not really. Just when I'm tired"
*He adjusts himself so hes facing you*
Colby: "Is it weird.. that I'm here?"
You: "very"
Colby: "How so?"
You: "What I find creepy is I basically wished for you and it came true?"
Colby: "Do you know why I came here?"
You: "no"
Colby: "cause when I saw you, I instantly knew I needed you. I wanted you and I still do. I don't know what it is about you but your too beautiful for me not to have you in ny life"
You: "I want you.. but at the same time, it's hard to breath with you around"
Colby: "I know that I haven't known you for very long but I would also just do anything for you. I'd catch raindrops or hold back the oceans tide for you"
*You take a deep breath*
You: "This is all too much for me right now.. I'll see you in the morning, ok?"
Colby: "ok?"
*You leave and close the door behind you. When you get to your room, you sit on the bed and your straight face turns into a smile. You can't help but think about the fact that Colby fucking Brock is in the next room.. probably shirtless and just his boxers on.. and those sheets are gonna smell like him in the morning... and what a day it's been! You held his hand, you went exploring with him, you kissed him! You cant stop smiling as you put MCR on at a low volume and take your pants off and put on a oversized tshirt. You get in bed and after being on YouTube and Instagram for a few hours, you go to bed. You sleep for a few hours and suddenly you hear..*
Colby: "y/n.... y/n"

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