Chapter 10

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February 1 week till due date is 20

So I'm 39 weeks  we can't wait for her to come Emily and I have started vlogging well I have cause I don't go to school anymore cause of the baby. Vlogging is really fun I kind like it Emily is like in love with it the girls don't really care.


Ali: so good morning guys it is like 6:30 am baby girl just woke me up Emily is in the shower I'm just chilling. We packed our bag for the hospital I can't wait to show you guys our birth plan.

I here the door open Emily comes out in a sports bra and towel around her waist she sees me awake.

Emily: hey baby why you awake?

She jumps on the bed comes next to me.

Ali: um Lex won't stop moving so I just woke up.

Emily: if you guys don't know this yet Ali needs at least 10 hours or she will go crazy and baby girl is messing that up.

Ali: it's true she is but I still love her!

Emily: kiss.

Ali: nope morning breath!

I take the camera to the bathroom with me so emily can get dressed.

Ali: FYI guys Emily is always trying to kiss me with morning breath I love her but I can't with that so I'm going to brush my teeth real quick.

I brush my teeth and wash my face I leave the bathroom.

Ali: so guys we have a photo shoot planned today at 2:30 the girls are coming we are doing a maternity photo shoot I'm so excited cause we didn't get to do it with the girls.

Emily: I'll take them you get dressed baby.

I hand her the camera she's just laying on the bed I here my phone vibrate I pick it up Emily slaps my ass I slap her check.

Ali: stop playing with me!

Emily: guys Ali thinks she can beat me in a fight comment down below what you think if we get 15k likes we'll do a fight!

Ali: baby look there getting out there crib ok so if you guys don't know the girls have been climbing out there cribs and coming into our room so I'm going to bust them.

Emily: baby put on some clothes!

Ali: I'm in a bra and underwear they all have some calm down baby!

I speed walk to there room I open the door really quick scaring them they run away from me they know there in trouble.

Ali: what did we say no getting out the cribs right girls!

They start laughing I look at Emily she turns the camera off.

Ali: you guys are grounded no toy and tv for 2 days.

Twins: no mommy!!

Ali: I told you not to get out the crib.

She turns the camera back on the girls are crying we're walking away.

Ali: so we punished the girls no toy and tv for 2 days there lucky they got off easy.

Brea: camera!!

Ali: no baby come help mommy get dressed.

Ali: ok so this is what I'm wearing guys I love it.

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