Day 5 - The Things We Don't Know About Each Other - Parvansy

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Prompt: Sharp

Pairing: Pansy/Parvati

Rating: Wattpad: Mature, AO3: Explicit

Summary: Parvati finds out Pansy cheated but the confrontation reveals only more lies.

Tags: EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Infidelity, Confrontations, Angry Sex, Rough Sex, Dubious Consent, Ambiguous/Open Ending

Due to the content guidelines of Wattpad, only an excerpt of this fic is posted here, to read the entire piece you will have to go to my AO3 (link in bio), or see the provided External Link (web).

The Things We Don't Know About Each Other

"I want you to say it," Parvati snapped sharply, blocking Pansy's exit again.

The two high spots of pink on Pansy's cheeks only darkened. She wouldn't look Parvati in the eye. She moved a step back if their bodies came too close to touching. Parvati just wanted to grab her and shake her.

"Say it!" Parvati hissed.

"I can't!" Pansy snapped. "Alright? I can't."

Pansy tried to get past her to leave the room but Parvati saw red and grabbed her, pinning her to the wall by the door.

"Say you don't love me anymore!"

Pansy's inhale sounded broken and painful. "I can't."

That wasn't fair, she'd done the breaking.

Parvati closed her eyes and gripped Pansy's shoulders tighter, probably so tight she was hurting her. She should just let her go. Let her walk out and ruin them.

"Then why? Why did you do it?" she got out, unable to look at her, barely able to breathe past the pain.

"I didn't mean to," Pansy said, eyes wide and darting around the room. "I just...we never resolved things before you and I...and I'd had too much to drink, and she just...I just..."

Damn Pansy. Always weaker than she seemed.

Cut short to conform to content guidelines, the rest of the fic can be read on AO3, see the provided External Link (web only, use the AO3 link in my bio on mobile and find the fic through the series there).

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