Day 11 - Fast or Slow? - Linny

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Prompt: Rest Day

Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 1,099

Summary: Ginny has plans to read all day on the sofa on her one rest day from training. Luna has other plans for her.

Tags: EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Established Relationship, Non-Graphic Smut

Fast or Slow

Ginny settled on the sofa after breakfast with a happy sigh. Her body ached from the past few days of training but today, today was a blessed rest day, and she was planning on spending the whole day on the sofa.

She had a book, she had food ready to be summoned right to her. Paradise.

Until she heard Luna skipping down the hallway.

As much as she loved her, she was completely unable to say no to her. Rest day or not, sofa plans or not, if Luna asked her to go out hunting down some never-heard-of-before creature for her latest article in the Quibbler, she would be unable to say no and her rest day would go out the window.

"There you are," Luna said cheerfully as she entered the room. "You had breakfast without me!"

Ginny put her book down with an internal groan. "I didn't want to wake you. I still wake up early even on my day off training."

Luna flounced over and kneeled on the floor in front of the sofa. She looked over how Ginny was lying on the sofa, and the book and wand within her reach.

"I see you have plans for today," she said, as if Ginny hadn't told her the night before. "But I had plans for this morning you know."

"Oh?" Ginny said weakly, feeling her rest day slipping from her grasp.

With a bright smile, Luna pulled a sleep mask from nowhere. "Put this on," she said, holding it out to her.

Ginny eyed it warily. "And you want to blindfold me because...?"

Luna only smiled and waited. Ginny folded like a house of cards. With another sigh, she slipped it on and the room disappeared from sight.

"Now what?" she said.

"Now, you lie back and get comfortable, and I get to carry out my plan," Luna said cheerfully, placing a hand on Ginny's chest and applying a light pressure until Ginny sank back more fully onto the sofa.

She really couldn't begin to guess what Luna was up to. She was nothing if not unpredictable. Which was why Ginny almost jolted herself right off the sofa when Luna's hand slid under her shirt.

"Shh, relax," Luna whispered, pressing a feather-light kiss to Ginny's cheek. "It's your day off."

"Oh," Ginny sighed, sinking into the sofa again as Luna's hand drifted over her belly.

"I was going to wake you up this way," Luna murmured into her ear as she pushed up her shirt and traced patterns over her stomach.

To be continued on AO3

(To comply with wattpad content guidelines, the rest of this fic will not be posted here but can be read on my AO3 account through the provided external link)

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