Day 10 - Third Time Lucky - Parvansy

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Prompt: Waiting

Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Parvati Patil

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1,511

Summary: The waiting really was torture.

"Maybe I should floo the office and see what the delay is," she said slowly. "It really would be better to know now instead of continuing to wait like this."

But she'd barely thought of actually moving when the fireplace chimed. Parvati went rigid against her and Pansy scrambled for her wand to open the gate.

Tags: EWE, Post-Hogwarts, Established Relationship, Waiting, Adoption, Emotional, Happy Ending

Day 10 – Waiting

"If you don't stop pacing and sit down, I'll bind your bloody legs together," Pansy hissed.

Parvati snorted. "Sure, because your nerves never effect your magic."

A direct challenge could not be ignored, but before Pansy could grab her wand from the coffee table, Parvati sat down beside her on the sofa with a loud sigh.

"We should have heard by now," she said weakly.

Pansy counted to ten. She felt the same, but one of them had to keep a cool head. All things considered, she couldn't believe it was on her to be calm about this.

"Nonsense," she said. "They said around four, not exactly four. It's only quarter past. Something might have come up that has nothing to do with—"

"If this falls through, I don't think I can try again," Parvati whispered covering her face with her hands.

Pansy's stomach dropped. "No. You can't cry. If you cry then I'll cry, and who the bloody hell will talk to Meryl if we're both blubbering messes? Pull yourself together!"

With a slight shudder, Parvati sniffed and straightened her back. She wiped at her eyes but she wasn't crying. Not yet. Pansy forced herself to breathe evenly. Crisis averted.

Parvati cleared her throat and shifted the vase of flowers on the table a little to the left. It put it off-centre, but then she just pushed it back. When she looked at Pansy again, she seemed to have recovered.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" she said softly.

The dropping sensation in Pansy's belly turned into a twisting one instead. Four years and she still wasn't used to these open declarations.

"I know you could have done without all this," Parvati continued. "I wouldn't have pushed you, so I can't...that you've been working so hard to make this happen for me...I can't..."

Heat rushed to Pansy's face. Bloody buggering hell. She was about to start crying if Parvati went on like that again.

"Where the bloody hell is Meryl?" she hissed, shuffling a little closer to Parvati on the sofa, taking one of her hands and refusing to look at her. She'd cry. Big ugly tears. Four years hadn't cured her of that reaction every time Parvati got emotional about how much she loved her. "Who misses an appointment by over fifteen minutes? No manners! No professionalism!"

"The waiting is murder," Parvati moaned, sagging sideways until her head rested on Pansy's shoulder. "I thought the last two times were bad, this is just...and the fact you're still trying so hard to make it happen when you don't even really want—"

"It's not that I don't want it," Pansy interrupted. Really, Parvati was so dramatic about everything and yet everyone called Pansy the dramatic one. "It's just that it's not something I spent a lot of time thinking about like you have. I'm not against it. I just could have waited longer. But you, love, you've wanted this for years. And who the hell am I to deny you anything? After everything you've...oh, damn you, I will not cry!"

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