Day 14 - A Perfect Day - Delachang

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(edit made by me)

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(edit made by me)

Prompt: White

Pairing: Cho Chang/Fleur Delacour

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 1,557

Summary: On a rare sunny and warm day between the second and third tasks of the Triwizard Tournament, Fleur sneaks Cho away for a picnic.

Tags: Hogwarts Era, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Picnics, Fluff, Underage Drinking (one glass of wine), Hand Feeding

A Perfect Day

Cho looked around nervously as she followed Fleur across the grounds. Spending time with a champion from another school was still considered a betrayal of Hogwarts, and she didn't want a repeat of the confrontation she'd endured after comforting Fleur during the second task.

"How much farther?" she asked.

They were going far out over the grounds, and not towards any of the places other students would be flocking to on such a nice Sunday. A medium sized basket was floating along behind them. Though the lid kept its contents secret, it wasn't hard to guess what Fleur had planned. The blanket she had draped over one arm, a red and black gingham that looked coarse and horrid next to the smooth, periwinkle blue dress she was wearing, gave it away.

"Not far," Fleur replied, throwing a smile over her shoulder. "I found a nice quiet spot to sit when I went for walks earlier this year. It will be good to go there now that it is not so cold!"

Cho nodded and Fleur linked her free arm through Cho's. Cho cast another discreet look around as she felt her cheeks warm. There was the odd group of students about, but the farther they went from the castle, the fewer there were. The knowledge that they would soon be totally alone made Cho's pulse speed up.

Even though they'd been spending time together for months now, they were never really alone. Cho could do without the spectators and angry whispers of 'traitor' behind her back, but getting caught alone might be even worse.

"Cheer up," Fleur said cheerfully. "It is a beautiful day. The sun is out. The air is pleasant. We have all afternoon to ourselves!"

Cho smiled to see her so happy. Her failure in the second task had haunted her for several weeks, it was good to see her recover her warmth and excitement for everything. And it meant Cho got to see her beautiful smile more often, even though it always made her cheeks warm with a tell-tale blush.

"Madame Maxime won't be so pleased to see you sneak off with me," Cho couldn't help but say. Ever since she'd gone to the ball with Cedric but then wound up dancing with Fleur, Madame Maxime had tried to interrupt every moment she and Fleur found together if she caught them.

Fleur scoffed. "What do I care now? I will not win, I am too far behind the boys on points. I will still fight of course but the tournament is the tournament, and right now is my free time. I will do what I like and enjoy my time here!"

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