Day 8 - Love Waits - Ginsy

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Prompt: 'silent'

Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson

Rating: Teen

Word Count: 2,154

Summary: Pansy took a vow of silence after the war but never told anyone why, near the end of eighth year, and after dating her for several months, Ginny is determined to try and find out why Pansy is still not talking. But the answer she gets is nowhere near what she could have expected.

Tags: EWE, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Established Relationship, Mute Character, Disability

Love Waits

"How is Slytherin's snottiest snot doing today?"

Pansy looked up from the sketchpad in front of her and fixed Ginny with a dark look. Ginny raised an eyebrow in return.

Pansy stayed silent.

"Oooh, I was sure that would get a peep out of you," Ginny huffed, flopping down on the grass next to her.

With a shrug of her shoulders, Pansy returned to her sketch. Ginny watched the forested edge of the lake appear on the page. Even watching Pansy draw couldn't sooth the worry that had only grown worse over the last few months.

"What's the point of a vow of silence if you don't tell anyone what your cause is?" she asked softly. "It's been almost a year. School is almost over and you still haven't said a peep or indicated why you're doing it."

Pansy rolled her eyes at the page instead of looking at her. In the air by her ear, words formed.

'It's personal.'

Ginny brushed the conjured words away and they dispelled like smoke. It was a nifty spell, but she was tired of words in the air and words on a page and never any from Pansy's lips even though they'd now been dating for months.

"Just...can you at least tell me how long you're going to be doing this?" she asked.

Pansy looked up from the page with a frown. Ginny liked to think she knew her well enough by now even though they had yet to have a reciprocal verbal conversation.

"It's not a deal-breaker," she said softly, reaching out to gently touch her lips. "I'd just like to know. Uncertainty is not as appealing as it used to be."

Something pained flashed across Pansy's face. Her usual response to anyone asking her about her vow of silence was a shrug. Eventually people had stopped asking, but with the end of the year rapidly approaching and their future wide and uncertain, Ginny couldn't stand not knowing any longer.

A year was a long time to protest something with silence, particularly when no one even knew what it was.

Pansy put away her things into her bag and turned to give Ginny her full attention. In the air between them, words formed.

'I don't know how long.'

Ginny frowned. "How can you not know how long? You haven't made up your mind?"

With a shake of her head, Pansy bit her lip and the words disappeared only to form anew.

'It's complicated.'

Ginny weighed up her options. Even as badly as she needed to know, she didn't want to push too hard. She had to ask or she'd drive herself mad wondering, but if Pansy was adamant about keeping it secret, what could she do?

"I just don't understand why you're doing it," she tried to explain. "I'm trying's hard to be together and not know the details of something obviously so important to you."

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