Day 21 - Collecting Feathers and Finding Wings - Delachang

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Prompt: Wings

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Prompt: Wings

Pairing: Cho Chang x Fleur Delacour

Rating: Teen and Up

Word Count: 5,055

Summary: Or 'Five times Cho found feathers she couldn't explain, and one time she finally saw the wings they came from'.

Tags: EWE, Hogwarts Era, Post-Hogwarts, Battle of Hogwarts, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Slow Burn, Minor Canonical Cho/Cedric, Minor Canonical Cho/Harry, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Cho, Happy Ending

Collecting Feathers and Finding Wings

1 - While Flying - Fifth Year

It was the middle of the Tri-Wizard Tournament and Fleur had been showing up more and more often to drag Cho away to spend time with her. It still filled Cho with exhilaration that such a sophisticated girl wanted to spend time with her. That she didn't have to admire Fleur from afar like everyone else.

Cho had suggested they go flying before, but Fleur admitted she had never learned more than the basics at Beauxbatons, claiming discomfort in the air. She didn't mind watching Cho fly sometimes, though, so it wasn't really a problem.

On one cold but sunny Day in January, Cho forgot and asked if she wanted to fly with her, but Fleur said yes.

"People are talking, you know," Marietta grumbled when she let Cho borrow her broom for Fleur to use.

"Let them talk," Cho scoffed, barely listening to Marietta in her excitement to go meet Fleur on the grounds.

As she left, Marietta said something about 'the way it looked' but Cho didn't bother replying. She couldn't care less that Fleur was the Beauxbatons Champion. Spending time with her wasn't a betrayal of Harry or Cedric like most Hogwarts students seemed to think.

The end of the school year was looming large even though it was still a few months away. She was horribly aware that once Fleur returned to France she would probably never see her again. They might exchange letters, but even that probably wouldn't last. She had to make the most of their time together while she could.

"You look excited," Fleur said when they met up, greeting Cho with her customary kisses to her cheeks.

Even if she knew it was something all the Beauxbatons students did when greeting each other, it still made Cho's cheeks burn and her stomach flutter a little. Every time Fleur greeted her that way she only seemed more sophisticated. Each kiss brought a delicate waft of perfume with her that lingered around Cho for a few delightful minutes. Cho didn't know any other girls that wore perfume, it only made Fleur seem even more above the rest of them.

"Are you sure you want to fly?" Cho asked as they wandered the grounds. The Quidditch field was off limits, so she had been flying over near the forest and lake.

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