Georgie and Dally's Imagine

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Here's the one for Georgie! Hope you are pleased!

You're sitting in the Curtis household with all the greasers. Sodapop and Steve are arm wrestling on the table, while Darry is looking at bills in his recliner. Two-Bit is watching Mickey Mouse while eating chocolate cake and drinking beer. Ponyboy is writing a paper for school silently, while Johnny's smoking a weed on the couch. Then, there's Dallas. He's sitting on the couch beside Johnny and you, and he's blabbering another story about something in New York. The whole time you're listening, you're staring at his beautiful angular face and dark hair. Sadly, your love is forbidden, and no one knows that you two are in love, except for you and him. "Well, I have to bounce," Dally says. "Going to the drive-in." "Can I come, Dal?" Johnny questions. "Nah man." Dallas replies. He tries to lie about the fact that you two are sneaking out on a date. "I'm meeting up with this girl. Nothing serious though. Probably gonna blow me off." He gets up and winks at you, with a wonderful smirk on his face. A few minutes later, as he's waiting for you outside, you begin to speak. "I gotta go too." Everyone looks at you confused as you get up. "Um- got to go home." Everyone nods and doesn't argue, as you go outside to meet Dally. You find him at the gate leaning up against it. "Took you long enough doll face," he teases. You smile and come towards him, hugging around his big body. "I had to come up with a good lie without getting in trouble." "Baby I'm the worst kind of trouble," he jokes. You laugh and begin to lean in for a kiss. "Well maybe I just want to be rebellious." He kisses you back violently, grabbing you on the hips. When you both finish, he wraps his arm around your shoulder and starts to walk with you. "Let's go," he says. You both walk off, his arm around your shoulder, and your arm around his waist. "I love you," Dallas says. You're shocked by the words that come out of his mouth. "I love you too."

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