Sharon and Ponyboy's Imagine

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Here ya go Sharon! I hope that you love this imagine and if you enjoy please share with others! Thank you for your request!


        I was at the Dingo with Dallas, when I saw her. I knew that she was the one the moment she walked in the door. It all started when I was sitting in a booth with Dally, writing a poem for my English class. That was when she walked in the double doors. She burst through them with confidence and sass, as if she owned the place. At first she didn't seem like my kind of girl, but more like Dallas's: a fierce, independent girl. I was more of the type to like the sweet, shy type. Although, when this girl walked in, I felt something different. At the sight of her, I felt a major attraction. She was a beautiful girl with hair that blew in the wind and eyes that shone bright like the sunshine. She acted somewhat like a Soc, but her beauty was beyond compare to that of a Soc. She walked in and took a seat at the bar. I knew, though, that there was no way she was old enough to be at a bar. Her face looked young, kind of like she had a babyface, though, at the same time she was far from child-like. I looked at her and then at Dally, who seemed to not even glance at her, which was hard to believe. "Dally," I said. "Why aren't you trying to hit on her? Isn't that your type?" Dally smirked at me and said, "Nah man. I don't know why but I feel like I would be getting nowhere with this one. Maybe you should give it a shot." I was shocked at his response. This was a blessing from none other than THE Dallas Winston. I sure was going to accept it too. I nodded at him and walked towards the girl and sat beside her at the bar. The bartender looked at me and said, "What would ya like?" Now, I knew that if I ever drank a drop of alcohol at the age I was, no matter the circumstances, Darry would have a fit. Unfortunately, this would be no acception, no matter how tuff I wanted to look in front of that girl. "A Coke please," I said. "I'll take one too," the girl said. I was shocked that she wasn't getting beer or something. She smiled at me and I blushed. "Hi," she said. "I'm Sharon." She didn't seem so mean after all, she was actually quite nice. "I'm Ponyboy," she said. What she said next was the best thing I had ever heard from a girl. "Well Ponyboy," she said. "You're mighty handsome." It was not only what she HAD said, it was what she HADN'T said. Most girls said something about my name or asked me a question about it. I hated when people did that. But this girl, she had told me I was handsome, which was something that I rarely heard so straight fowardly. "Thank you," I said. "You should see my brother, Sodapop. His looks are much better than mine." "Oh, I highly doubt that," she said, smiling as wide as can be. My heart started racing as I realized that this girl was REALLY flirting with me. I never got this from such a beautiful girl before. I grinned back at her and said, "Well, there's a movie coming on at the drive-in tonight, and I'm going with my friend Dally over there." I pointed at Dallas who was smoking and flirting with a waitress at the booth. "He's bringing a girl," I continued. "Would you like to go with me?" My heart raced as the girl just kind of looked at me for a few moments, until she finally asnwered. "I would love to!" I almost jumped out of my seat with joy. As she took her last sip of Coke she said, "Well, I have to go. What time will I meet you?" "How 'bout 8:00?" I replied. She nodded, still smiling and walked out the doors. I was so elated that I had to go brag about it to Dally. "Hey Dal," I said excitedly jumping back in the booth. "She's coming to the drive-in with us tonight!" Dally nodded, grinning at me. "Nice man," he congratulated. I then looked out the window at the girl getting in her car. She had a nice convertible in a blue color. Man, she was beautiful. This was possibly the first time I felt so deeply about a girl I had just met. "I think I love her, Dal," I said. Dallas just kind of laughed, but I knew that what I had said were more than just words. I REALLY liked this girl, and tonight, I was going to make her fall in love with me. Even if it was the last thing I ever did. 

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