Katlyn and Johnhy's Imagine

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You walk towards Johnny in the vacant lot. "Hey Johnnycake!" you call. He seems sad and lonely, so you sit beside him on the ground and wrap your arms around him. "Hey," he says depressingly. "What's wrong?" you ask, wanting to cheer him up. "Mom just hit me, again." He started to cry and you hug him tighter. "Please don't cry Johnny!" you plead. "I'm sorry Kat," he cries. "I just don't understand why they can't just love me. I haven't done anything wrong have I, Kat?" Tears roll down his face. You rub his back and speak softly towards him, like he is a child that just woke up from a nightmare. "Of course not," you say. "You haven't done anything Johnny." He looks at you with his soft, big, brown eyes. "Atleast you love me," Johnny says. You smile and he does too, which makes you overjoyed. You try to switch the conversation to something happy, as you both look up at the stars above. Johnny begins to speak instead. "You know what I think, Kat?" "What?" you reply. "I think there's a star for each and every person for a reason. I think there's one for everyone because that way, you'll never be lonely. But, you know what? I'm lucky because I have two stars." "How so?" you ask. "Because not only do I have a star in the sky, but I have one right here with me, down on earth." You smile and kiss his gentle lips. "Love you Kit-Kat," he says. "Forever and always."

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