Jamie and Johnny's Imagine

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I hope you like this Jamie! I enjoyed writing it and thank you for making a request. Make sure to tell your friends if you like it!  @WonderlandWinter 


        I was sitting in the empty lot, early one morning, looking at the beautiful sunrise. I started to think about how lonely I was, and how I needed someone. The night before had been a hard night. My mom and dad were fighting worse than they ever had, and I needed someone to talk to. I needed...I needed... a girl. Just at that moment, I saw Ponyboy walking my way with a girl. I looked closer and noticed that this girl was beautiful. She had beautiful tan skin and long brown hair. Just at the sight of her, I began to get nervous. Pony walked up to me with the girl and said, "Hey Johnnycake!" "Hey," I mumbled nervously, looking at the ground. "Johnny this is Jamie," Pony replied. "Hey!" the girl called in a sweet, bubbly tone. She held out her hand as if she wanted to shake mine. I had never met a girl that was so energetc and truly wanted to meet me. Most girls saw that I was a greaser and went away. "You're brown eyes are so handsome," she said. "They don't remind you of mud?" I asked shocked that she thought I was the least bit attractive. "No!" she shouted giggling the whole time. "They remind me of chocolate. Sweet, innoncent, amazing chocolate." I couldn't see myself, but I bet my cheeks were bright red from all the blushing I must have been doing. I took my hand out of my jean jacket pocket and shook her hand. She smiled widely and then I looked at her eyes for the first time. They were stunning. Her eyes were a beautiful emerald green and they were filled with happiness and joy. I realized she was very giggly as Pony continued to talk. She made jokes about everything we had said, and I loved that. She was everything I wasn't. Happy, funny, and most of all beautiful. Pony told me after a while of talking that she was Two-Bit's sister and that she would be staying for a while. My heart immediately raced as I thought about the fact of seeing her almost everyday. Maybe these weeks that she would be staying, however long she stayed, would be nice for once. 

        When Jamie had to go back home to Two-Bit, I have to admit that my heart sank a little. It was like I wanted her with me every minute and every second of the day. When she walked down the road back home, a switchblade in her shorts and her beautiful, long, brown hair flowing in the wind, Pony turned to me, grinning so big that I could have sworn his mouth was going to split. "What?" I questioned looking at the ground and circling my foot in the dirt. "You like her don't ya?" Pony said. I smiled and replied, "Well, yeah. But what's the use anyways? A girl that amazing would never like me anyways." Pony looked at me seriously and then said, "Nah man. I think she would like you just fine. I mean why wouldn't she?" I smiled and look up at the now. fully lit up sky. "I hope she does, Pony," I said. "Because I think I already love her."

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