Victoria and Johnny's Imagine

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It was a late Friday night and your parents were arguing AGAIN. They always argued when you were around, and probably when you weren't around too. All there arguing was starting to get to you, and that Friday night, you just couldn't take it anymore. You ran outside, crying your eyes out as you sat against the old tree in your yard. You felt alone and afraid of what was to become of you in the middle of all this family madness. You looked up at the stars and gazed at them for a moment, wishing they could bring you some kind of joy, but they didn't. You looked back down at the ground as the tears kept rolling down your face in frustration and sadness.  Why did your parents have to do this? Why did you have to be in the middle of it? Suddenly, you almost jumped out of your skin as you heard a faint voice whisper, "Hi." You looked up and there in front of you was a very handsome, young boy with shaggy black hair and deep black eyes. He had dark olive skin, and he looked at you as if he pitied me. "Who are you?" you asked, knowing that you had not met him before. You knew that if you had met him before, you would have surely remembered him. "I'm Johnny," he replied. "And you?" You began to get up to look him in the eyes. "Victoria," you said back, almost blushing from his beauty. He looked very dirty and poor at the time, but that didn't faze you at all. "I heard your parents down the street," he said, breaking the silence that had been there for a few moments. "I came to see what was going on, and then I saw you. I felt like that maybe you needed some comfort." You nodded almost starting to cry again. "Here," he said sitting against the tree where you had been. "Let's sit." You sat down beside him, looking up at the stars and then back to him. "I know how it feels ya know," he said. "The confusion of why they do this all the time, why you have to be in the middle of it and the frustration and sadness. My parents fight like this all the time." You looked up at him, amazed that somebody actually understood how you felt, and was going through the same things you were. "I feel like you know me so well. More than anybody I've ever met," you said. Johnny smiled and said, "Well, I tend to read people very well." You smiled back and said, "I just don't think knows how I feel exactly. I feel like nobody cares." Then, Johnny uttered the words that you thought you would never hear directly to you in your lifetime. "I care," he uttered. You looked deeply into his eyes now, feeling like you had known him your whole life. You were in love for the first time in your life, and it felt amazing. "You do?" you asked faintly your face pulling closer to his. "I never lie," he replied smart like while smiling. Your faces got closer and closer together until finally your lips touched. When you finished kissing, you looked into his deep black eyes again and you could see a glint in his eye. "I really like you Johnny," you said. He grinned at you, not answering and then said, "You know what Victoria? I know I haven't known you for a while, but I feel like I always have. I really like you too. In fact, can we meet tomorrow? Do you know where the vacant lot is?" You nodded. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" he exclaimed looking happier than ever. "But before I leave," he said pulling something out of his pocket. "I want you to have this." He placed the item in your hand and you realized it was a necklace with a heart. "This is my mom's necklace," he explained. "I stole it, saving it for when I one day met a girl I really liked. Just, promise me that whenever you feel lonely you will look at this heart and know that somebody's heart out there is feeling the same pain. Me." And with that he smiled and walked off into the night, looking as handsome as ever, leaving you unafraid, not lonely, and in love. 

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