Tristin and Ponyboy's Imagine

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"Hey Pony!" you call as you walk into the Curtis house. Ponyboy is sitting at his desk, writing down something on paper. "Hey," he says sweetly, concentrating on his writing. You sit in his lap and he smiles at you, kissing you on the cheek. "Whatcha writing?" you ask. "I have to write a poem for an assingment at school. It's free write, but I don't know what to write about." You smile at him, admiring how he puts deep thought into things. "Well, I have sort of something figured out," he says. "You wanna read it?" You nod and look down at his paper and what he has written in his poem so far. It reads:

She walks into my heart,

Taking away my pain,

She's like the sunshine,

In the middle of the rain.

Her beautiful brown eyes,

So soft and cute,

Take my breath away,

And my love I can't keep mute.

"Wow," you say. "This is amazing Pony." He smiles and says, "And it's about the most wonderful girl I know." You smile and gently kiss him, knowing that he means you, and that you have the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.

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