Samantha and Dally's Imagine

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Here's Samantha's! I really hope you like it!!!

You walk into the Dingo to find Dallas sharpening his switchblade in a booth he saved for the two of you. "Hey Dallas!" you call. He looks up and smiles at you with a sparkle in his eyes. "Well, hello there doll face," he says back. You take a seat across from him in the booth. "So what have you been doing today?" you ask. "Nothing legal." he jokes. You giggle and he puts his arm around you. Then, a pretty waitress comes by and asks, "Hey Dally! Who's this?" You begin to get kind of jealous of why this girl knows his name. "I'm Samantha," you say annoyed. "His girlfriend." You emphasize "girlfriend" really strongly to make a point. "Woah, calm down babe," he laughs. "What do you want?" he asks you. You tell the girl that you would like a Pepsi-Cola and she walks away, with a smirk on her face. "She digs you," you say. "Yeah, so what?" Dallas says back. "So, you aren't attracted to her in any way?" you ask. Dallas laughs and says, "Doll face, I couldn't see myself with anyone but you. And that's a hard thing for me to say. I'm usually not the type to stay with one girl, but trust me, you're my one and only. Oh, and that girl? Too pushy and flirty. I think I like my Samantha MUCH better." He winks at you and you smile knowing that he isn't lying. You still ask though, "You lying to me, Winston?" You wink at him and smirk back as he says, "Samantha, this is first time I haven't lied in a long time." You smile knowing that it comes from the bottom of his heart. "I love ya girl," he says. You become overjoyed with his words as he kisses you on the cheek. "Besides," he teases. "Why else would I put up with ya?!" You fake punch him in the arm and laugh, knowing that this was his way of flirting. "Love you too, Dal," you say. "Love you too."

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