Katlyn and Sodapop's Imagine

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You sit at the drive-in with your boyfriend Sodapop. You are both sharing a bucket of popcorn and laughing at this silly beach movie you're both watching. "Hey Soda," you say. "Yeah?" he replies. "You wanna get out of here?" you ask. He nods and you both stand up laughing. "What do you wanna do?" you ask. "Oh, I don't know," Soda says suspiciously. "Go cause some trouble maybe?" "Okay," you reply. "Like what?" Soda takes your hand and you both exit the drive-in to go to the DX. "Why are we at the DX?" you ask. "Well, I have some news," he replies. "I want to quit my job and get a new one because my boss has been so hard on me lately. I need a perfect way to quit AND release my anger at the same time." "Oh, I gotcha," you reply. You both run in when Soda's co-worker says, "Hey Soda!" Soda waves and grins, knowing that the worker had no idea what he was about to do next. Soda and you walk behind the counter to the soda machine. You both take on out, clink them together, and drink out of them. "Um," the co-worker starts. "Soda, you have to pay for that." Soda ignores him and moves on to where the tanks of gas are. You and him push the piles of gas onto the floor letting them spill out everywhere. There's a jukebox in the corner, so you go and pop a quarter in. "Yik Yak" starts playing and you both start to dance. Before you know it the manager walks out. "What the heck!" he shrieks. "Soda what's going on here?!" Again you and Soda ignore him and keep dancing. You get up on top of the stools on the counter and dance some more. You then get on the counter and knock over the jars of candy. Soda laughs and so do you as Soda goes and licks every single one of the empty cups that are supposed to hold drinks. He makes a goofy face and you join each other behind the piles of gas. The manager runs over towards you both, but he slips and falls on the floor. "Soda, you're fired!" Soda said nothing, but just laughed. Then he replied, "You can't fire me man! Because I quit!" We both took a hand full of the gas and threw it back in the manager's face. You laugh and kiss each other, managing to rub the gas on your hands all over each other. After the kiss you two walk out with your heads held high. Laughing you walk out into the bright city night holding hands the whole way. "I can't believe we just got you fired!" you giggle. "It was worth every second," Soda says. "Although, the kiss could have been a little better." You punch him in the arm playfully. "Shut up!" you yell laughing. The two of you continue walking until you are no longer seen from the DX.

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