Chapter 1

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Kokichi POV

I was staring out the window sitting in class when I heard the teacher announce that there was a new boy starting at school. He stood infront of the class and I only glanced at him before going back to staring outside the window. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked. "My name is shuichi saihara" She gestured for him to sit where he wanted to and without hesitation I felt his eyes on me as his footsteps got closer and stood by the chair that was next to me "May I sit?" He asked. I turned to him and nodded as I got a good look at him, dark hair, black hat, suit with a dark blue striped tie. He sat down and smiled before turning his attention to the teacher and I looked out the window at the sky. At lunch I got up and came face to face with that boy, shuichi "Can I join you for lunch?" I shook my head "S-sorry, I-It's bad to hang around with me" I went to walk away but his hand gripped my arm and with a serious look he said. "I wouldn't begin to understand how it'd be bad to hang around with you" I went to pull my arm back but his grip tightened, I decided to ignore it "I guess you can come" I gave in. He smiled and followed me to the rooftop "How come you don't want me hanging around you?" I thought for a second "I don't like people caring about me." His smile widened "Who said I would care about you-" He laughed and his innocent smile came back "-I'm joking. Also you can't get a lie past me, what's the real reason?" I sighed "I get bullied, I think if they see you with me, they'll hurt you." He laughed "Who?" He asked. As if on que kaito, maki, miu, kaede and rantaro came walking out. I pointed at them and backed into the corner "T-them" He just smiled. Kaito seemed to notice and walked over "What are you smiling about, punk!" He just smiled wider "Something my friend said, is there a problem?"  kaito spat and then angrily stomped off. I stared wide eyed "T-thank you!" I finally said. He nodded and took out lunch and noticed I didn't have one "Do you not have lunch?" I timidly shook my head. He got a piece of food and moved it to my lips "Just have some" He said, I didn't want to say no because I didn't want to seem rude. I opened my mouth and ate it "Wow, did you make that? It's really good" He nodded his head eagerly. "You want more I'm not really hungry" I nodded. "Can I carry on feeding you? it's fun." I thought for a second. "I-I guess so" He fed me until lunch was over. We went back into class and and then hometime rolled around, I grabbed my stuff as we both walked out of school and parted ways.

Sorry I haven't posted anything recently so here's a new oumasai book.

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