Chapter 2

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Warning: mature content
Kokichi POV

It had been a few days of hanging out with shuichi and he'd been acting extremely weird, I can't explain everything but he was weird but somehow his crazy weirdness comforted me and I sorta liked it. we sat in class first lesson and I felt his eyes on me, not even blinking just staring at me. I'd do anything to know what's running through his mind. I decided to look back at him and I smiled, he smiled back but didn't stop staring at me. This carried on until lunch and we both went to the rooftop. He took out his lunch and immediately turned to me bringing the food to my mouth he seemed to watch intently as I opened my mouth and ate, he carried on doing this until I had finished his lunch and I immediately felt guilty. "I-I'm sorry" I timidly said. "Its fine, I'm not hungry" He just said with a smile. "I- uh just need to go to the bathroom" He started to seem uncomfortable and stood up and quickly rushed off. I sat there trying to think why he left in such a hurry when my thoughts were interrupted "You think you can keep that shuichi guy to protect you!" I heard kaede say. It seemed that the group had walked over. Kaito struck me in the face with his fist causing my nose to start bleeding and miu kicked me. Kaede, kaito and miu would carry on beating me while maki watched silently and rantaro laughed while taking photo's. When they felt finished they all walked away threatening me not to tell anyone. I nodded as I saw a white haired boy from another group walk over to me and help me up "T-thank you." I said "No problem, I've seen them bullying you for a while, sorry I never came to help earlier. Also, my names kiibo." I smiled "My name is kokichi, it's fine." He helped me clean up and I then saw shuichi walk out. "Who are you?" He asked. "I'm kiibo, just came to help, sorry, I'll go back to my group now" He gave me a smile and walked away but I noticed shuichi stare at him with hatred in his eyes. He then looked at me then smiled "What did he need to help with?" I waved it off "Oh nothing, just spilled my water" He gave me a look of suspicion "Alright. Uh, you wanna come to my house today?" I slowly nodded and he smiled. He took my hand and we walked back to class. Shuichi seemed impatient for the end of the day and when it came he looked at me with a big smile and we walked out. He led me down a couple streets until we got to his home which seemed nice. He had his hand wrapped around my arm as we walked into his home which was neat and tidy. He gestured to the sofa and I sat down, he went into the kitchen and a few minutes later came out with two drinks. "Here, I hope you like it" I smiled and drank a bit. "Its really nice" He smiled. I noticed his hand close to my leg but I decided not to be bothered about it. He then said "Oh, sorry, I shouldn't leave my magazines around." Shuichi said leaning over me as I felt his hand on my thigh and he reached to grab a magazine that I noticed was about one of my favourite shows danganronpa. "I-Is that danganronpa?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm glad someone else knows about danganronpa" His hand still rested on my thigh but I didn't say anything. "What side are you on?" I asked. "Huh- OH, Despair, Definitely." I nodded "Same" He smirked widely and his hand moved up which made me nervous. "U-uh shuichi w-what are you doing?" His hand resided on my waistband. "Oh, just testing something. Can I use you as my subject?" I nodded as I didn't like him getting mad. "I need you to say yes I want your permission that from now your my test subject. mine." He mumbled the last part. I inhaled "Y-yes" he used his other hand and palmed me through the fabric. I held in any noises I wanted to make, as He brang his lips to my neck and began to suck on my neck leaving hickeys until he got to bit which made me moan and he smirked with satisfaction. "There's so many ways I need to test you but that's all I can do for now" I looked at the erection in my pants as he got off me. "W-what a-am I going to do?" I asked. "Deal with it." I stared at him. "Now?" He nodded. He pulled down my pants and boxers, making me squeal. "S-Shuichi, n-no!" I tried to cover myself. "Just do it, you're uncomfortable, right?" I nodded and slowly wrapped my hand around my erection. I've never done this before. I started moving my hand which made me feel huge amounts of pleasure and I moaned. I started moving faster and eventually came into my hand. Shuichi had watched me the whole time as he handed me a tissue and I cleaned up. I timidly looked away "I-I'm gonna go." I said as I pulled up my pants and walked to the door, He just watched me leave. I went home and quietly as possible opened the door trying to creep upstairs "What are you doing home so late?" I heard my mother ask as she walked up and slapped me. "I-I'm sorry I-" Her eyes widened "-What is THAT!" she shouted pushing my head back and seeing the hickeys on my neck. "You got a girlfriend, didn't you?" She called my father and he came grumpily in. "What about a girlfriend do I hear?" He asks. "I-I don't have a g-girlfriend. H-he's just a friend." My father grabbed me by the hair and dragged me upstairs, where the beating began. But I didn't let it end there. Once my father left I got a small blade and cut my wrists as they filled with a crimson colour and I finally fell asleep.

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